Author: Dr. Preet Pal SB

Dr. Preet Pal SB is a physician (M.D. Medicine) with a specialization in diabetes (Fellowship in diabetes, Royal Liverpool Academy). He has a particular interest in metabolic disorders, considering that they are rising in every corner of the world, more so in India.
He feels it is necessary to raise awareness about the non-communicable disease among the population.
He belongs to a beautiful city of Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh where he has practiced medicine.
Dr Preet is a lifetime member of Indian Medical Association (UP/12531/14/469/204643/2015-16/L).
The belly is not the only thing growing during pregnancy. Most women may notice that during pregnancy, footwear feels tighter. In many cases, there might be a visible swelling. …
Hormonal changes, drugs, chronic diseases are some of the reasons for pathological changes in menstruation. Some of these elements may result in heavy periods, while others may cause missed …
Baby spitting is not rare, and perhaps most infants would spit now and then. In fact, half of all babies might spit up quite frequently. Although, in most such …
Infants or babies make lots of funny faces and do some strange actions as they continue to grow. All this is done to strengthen various parts of the body. …
Baby gasping for air in sleep may sound alarming. Fortunately, in most cases, the cause is benign. The baby’s respiratory system is not fully matured, and thus some of …
Cervical mucus may say a lot about female health and wellbeing. Its consistency and volume are associated with lifestyle, too. It means that any lifestyle changes might have some …
It seems that involuntary movements are quite common among infants and young children. However, every baby differs, and in some, these movements are more apparent. Parents usually use various …
It is natural for breastfeeding mothers to worry that they might not be producing enough milk. Minor ups and downs in milk supply are normal. If a child is …
Tanning isn’t much harmful if done sensibly. However, generally, it is recommended to avoid doing it when pregnant. Overindulging is just any activity while pregnant should be avoided. Further, …
Pregnancy should bring happiness and delight. However, it also causes anxiety, particularly in those who are pregnant for the first time. Many questions come to the mind, and there …