When Am I Most Fertile

Do you find yourself asking: when am I most fertile or which days am I most fertile and you are feeling confused from the amount of advice and information that you are getting? If you are, then you should know that you are not alone. Most women will ask this common question when they are struggling to conceive. It is also one of the most common questions that many fertility experts will answer daily.

Finding The Perfect Timing


Perfect timing is essential for getting pregnant. There is a widespread misconception about pregnancy that females can get pregnant anytime. No women can get pregnant under favorable conditions. The most important thing about is there is a specific time every month during ovulation that increases the chances of pregnancy.

There is only a specific time in each menstrual cycle when it’s possible to get pregnant. This ‘fertile window’ is once a month. This time is perfect for having sex improving chances of conceiving a baby.

Fertility is the time when a woman’s body is ready for pregnancy. So, the best way to get the answer for your question is to understand your menstrual cycle. Typically, the menstrual cycle of a woman will last for twenty-eight days which is calculated from day one of a menstrual period to day one of the next one.

This menstrual cycle can be affected by hormones such as estrogen, follicle stimulating hormone, gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, progesterone and luteinizing hormone.

Increasing Chances of Pregnancy

There are several ways to improve the chances of pregnancy. Some of them are as follows

  • The possibility of pregnancy is having sex at ovulation. Try to have sex close to ovulation period and as much possible for increasing your chances to become a mom.
  • Knowing your ovulation will make it easier for you to plan your sex according to ovulation to increases chances of pregnancy. The best way to do is by tracking your periods on a calendar.
  • Considering the ovulation period’s significance in mind is essential. If a woman had sex six or more days before her ovulation, then there are zero chances of getting pregnant. That is how it can make a difference.
  • If a woman with the same case study had sex five days before her ovulation, then she might have at least 10% of chances for getting pregnant.
  • Similarly, if she had sex on the day of ovulation or two days earlier to ovulation, then there are more than 30% of chances for her pregnancy.

Role of Fertility Age in Pregnancy

Scientifically there are five stages of fertility in pregnancy that evaluate the chances of pregnancy according to various clinical and physical observations. These five ages of fertility are as follows:

Stage # 1
Stage one starts at the age of 14. At this age, most girls are fertile and begun to ovulate.

Stage # 2
Stage two starts at the age of 21. At this age, the females are grown up and mature. Girls at this age have a high rate of pregnancy as their fertility is at the peak.

Stage # 3
Stage three is the critical stage, and it begins at the age of 30. Till this age females have reached their peak of fertility and maturity. The fertility rate starts to decline at this stage.

Stage # 4
Stage four begins at the age of 37. At this age, the fertility rate drops rapidly.

Stage # 5
Stage five is the final stage of fertility, and it starts at the age of 44. At this stage, the fertility rate is extremely low therefore chances of becoming a mother is very low but not impossible. If a female has kept herself fit enough and free from illnesses, then she might have a chance of pregnancy.

These are average figures and depend on a woman’s age.

During the middle of a cycle, around day 14, the egg can get caught inside the fallopian tubes when it’s discharged during ovulation. However, due to certain factors that could affect the hormones in the menstrual cycle, your ovulation could vary each month. To know when am I most fertile is to understand the changes and know exactly how to determine your ovulation.

Ovulation and Fertilization

Ovulation will occur fourteen days before the start of your menstrual period. If your cycle last for twenty-eight days, you can ovulate on the fourteenth day like the average female.

However, you will start ovulating around the eleventh day if you have periods twenty-five days apart. Alternatively, you will not ovulate until the twentieth day if your periods last longer like for 34 days.

The most fertile days in the cycle will be during ovulation and some days after ovulation. This will be the best time for you to try and conceive.

If fertilization fails the egg inside the fallopian tubes will disintegrate and your uterus will begin to produce prostaglandins to change the flow of blood. This will cause your menstrual period to start and the cycle will begin once again.

Role of Tracking Menstrual Cycle in Pregnancy

It is important to study your menstrual periods if you want to improve your chances of conceiving or getting pregnant. Determine the exact time when you ovulate and ensure that you are getting busy at the right time each month. Of course, it will not always be easy for some women to conceive, especially with irregular periods.

If you have menstrual cycles which are way off the normal scale, this would indicate that you have an underlying fertility problem such as not ovulating regularly.

In summary, you need to understand your menstruation cycle to get the right answer to this question. Besides helping you to know when you are most fertile, the information can be used as a guide for you to get pregnant.

Image: Bigstock


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