How to Make Your Period Flow Heavier

menstruation heavier
Period or menstruation is a natural process happening to a woman’s body every month. A condition, when blood and endometrial tissue come out of the vagina. Usually, it takes 3-7 days.

A period releases the tissue that grew to support a possible pregnancy. If a pregnancy does not occur, the uterus sheds the endometrium or the lining of the uterus.

Your period is an essential indicator of your health. It is vital for every woman to know what it means “normal” for her. It concerns both frequency and volumes according to your age, body weight, birth control method.

Of course, every woman can face the problem when her periods fluctuate for a while. They can be lighter or heavier than usual.

Symptoms of lighter periods

A light period can have some of the following symptoms:

  • Your period is shorter in duration than usual
  • You change pads or tampons less often
  • You do not have the usual heavy flow for the first two days
  • You have consistent light flow the whole time
  • Your period resembles spotting instead of a steady flow
  • You have lighter symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

As a rule, lighter periods should not be a cause of concern if they happen once a while. But if it repeats from month to month, you have to find out the reasons.

Why my period is so light

  • Age. The period varies throughout a female lifetime. It is more regular in the 30s. In the late 40s, they are heavier and shorter. During perimenopause, a woman often has a lighter and irregular period.
  • Low weight. If you are underweight, your period can become lighter. It happens because when your body fats drop, ovulation does not occur regularly.
  • Excessive exercising. Exercising too much can influence your period and make it lighter and irregular.
  • Hormones. Some medical conditions affecting hormones like polycystic ovary syndrome can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  • Diet. Eating disorders, strict diet, or malnutrition affect your period. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet ensures proper working of your body and thus periods.
  • Stress. Stressful events may affect the body’s hormones and regularity of menstrual cycle, making your period lighter.
  • Birth control pills. If you have chosen hormonal birth control, it may cause lighter periods. Continuous usage of birth control pills can lead to thinner uterine lining over time.
  • Uterus surgery. A scar on your uterus after surgery may damage the tissue and affect its normal thickening and then sloughing.
  • Pregnancy. Implantation bleeding resembles a light period.

What to do if I want to make my period heavier

Some women think a lighter period is not a cause for alarm and ignore the change in the body. But lighter does not often mean good or healthy. If you want to normalize your period and make your body work as a clock, follow the following tips:

  • Diet. A well-balanced diet is the easiest way to regulate your periods [1]. Your daily diet should contain all vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Some foods may directly affect your hormonal health. They are beetroots, chocolates, and honey. Beetroots are loaded with iron, calcium, vitamins, potassium, folic acid, and fibers. Eating beetroots or drinking beetroot juice increases blood flow at the time of your period [2]. Chocolates are great food when you are stressed or having cramps.
    Chocolates are not only great in taste, but they can cause the blood flow faster.
    Honey increases the internal heat of the body and causes your periods heavier than usual. Also, it is very important to stay hydrated during your period that will boost your physical and mental health [1].
  • Regular physical exercises. Some studies show that regular exercising help with light periods. They help to maintain a healthy weight, fight against Polycystic ovary syndrome, and ease pain associated with periods [3].
    Besides, yoga is considered to be an effective treatment for different menstrual disorders. It helps regulate hormone levels and reduce emotional symptoms associated with periods like depression or anxiety. 30 minutes of moderate exercising three times a week are quite enough to improve your female health. At the same time if you exercise too much or you are professional athlete training daily, then reduce exercise to regulate estrogen levels.
  • Healthy weight. If you are underweight or experience extreme weight loss, it can cause lighter periods. Maintain a healthy weight to have your weight heavier and regular[4].
  • Bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme used for reducing inflammation, relieving pain, improving damaged tissues, relaxing muscles, stimulating muscle contractions. Slowing clotting and treating a bowel condition. It softens the lining of the uterus and therefore regulates your period [5]. Bromelain is found in pineapple, making it a good home remedy for menstrual disorders.
  • Herbal supplements. Today the market offers a number of herbal remedies to regulate your lighter periods. The most effective supplements affecting estrogen and progesterone levels are the following: turmeric, dong quai, and black cohosh. Dong Quai and black cohosh may also stimulate uterus muscles and improve blood flow, promoting shedding of the uterine lining. Herbal remedies may interact with many medications, especially with those taken for treatment of blood pressure or other heart medications.
  • Relaxation. Stress is responsible for lighter or missed periods. When you feel stressed, the production of estrogen and progesterone is inhibited. The best way to fight stress is relaxation. One can use various means to lessen stress like reducing workload, going out, listening to relaxing music, watching an interesting film, exercising, enjoying healthy food, or practicing some hobby. Meditation techniques or breathing exercises are also beneficial. Doing them at least 10 minutes will help you relax.

When to see a doctor

You should make an appointment with your doctor when:

  • You experience lighter period for a long time (more than 3 months in a row)
  • You do not have periods for some months
  • You have your period less than once every 35 days
  • You feel unusual symptoms like abdominal pain, cramping, nausea, etc.

Your doctor will find the cause of your light periods and may recommend medication to improve your state.


  1. Krishnan S, Tryon R, Welch LC, Horn WF, Keim NL. Menstrual cycle hormones, food intake, and cravings. FASEB J. 2016;30(1_supplement):418.6-418.6. doi:10.1096/fasebj.30.1_supplement.418.6
  2. Clifford T, Howatson G, West DJ, Stevenson EJ. The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease. Nutrients. 2015;7(4):2801-2822. doi:10.3390/nu7042801
  3. Ahrens KA, Vladutiu CJ, Mumford SL, et al. The effect of physical activity across the menstrual cycle on reproductive function. Ann Epidemiol. 2014;24(2):127-134. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2013.11.002
  4. Ko KM, Han K, Chung YJ, Yoon KH, Park YG, Lee SH. Association between Body Weight Changes and Menstrual Irregularity: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010 to 2012. Endocrinol Metab Seoul Korea. 2017;32(2):248-256. doi:10.3803/EnM.2017.32.2.248
  5. Pavan R, Jain S, Shraddha, Kumar A. Properties and Therapeutic Application of Bromelain: A Review. Biotechnol Res Int. 2012;2012. doi:10.1155/2012/976203
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