A normal monthly menstruation usually occurs on 1st to 7th day in a 28 day cycle, yet not everyone receives a regular period every month. Many women are often surprised with an early period that can sometimes cause confusion. Periods that arrive early or late may be due to hormonal imbalances, and should be checked out if this occurs on a regular basis. While irregular periods are certainly inconvenient, they are fairly common among women and can be caused by a variety of conditions that affect normal bodily cycles of menstruation and ovulation. Early menstrual periods can be the result
Top Reasons for Getting Your Period Earlier Than Usual
Pls dear I usually have a regular period until I got married and I notice my period had change from 28 cycle to 34 cycle but on. This month I got my period back to 28 days with heavy flow but light in colour and cramp am TTC mother what does it mean
HI Esther, your period could have changed due to the stress of planning a wedding, honeymoon, etc. If you are back to a regular 28 day cycle, I would recommend downloading an app to track your periods and using the calculator here (which I’ll link below) to find your fertile window for the best time to have intercourse with your spouse. Good luck and here is the link for the fertility calculator: https://womanjunction.com/fertility-calculator-with-calendar/
I get my 5 days earlier than the previous date I had is normal or I could be having a problem because I have been trying to conceive but failed, what should I do
Hi Leah, it’s quite possible that you have irregular ovulation which could essentially make it difficult to plan when to have intercourse to get pregnant. I would recommend getting some ovulation predictor tests and using those to figure out when you are fertile so you can have a better chance. If you are still having a problem, talk to your doctor about potential options to help you out. Good luck!
Hey I had my periods on 18th March. Expected date was 14th April. Today I had some bleeding, it wasn’t spotting, it’s light and color is kinda fresh. Is it possible that it’s a sign of early pregnancy?
Hello Zubaidah, yes it may be a sign of pregnancy. However, read about the other possible reasons below:
I’m not looking to have kids. I have 2-already. So my period started on the 12 March and I’m a 25-26 cycle. Meaning my next period is due about 6-7 April. But I started bleeding again on 30 March. For three days. First 2days was.heavy and on the third day just got lighter and gone. What does this mean. Any advice. With my 2 pregnancy I never had any implantation bleeding. Pls help
Hi Dianne, could just be your period. Having it early is nothing to worry about, sometimes life and our bodies do that to us. It doesn’t sound like implantation bleeding as that is generally a lot lighter and more “spotting” than a period.
Thanks for the advice. Does this mean that I will still get my period which was on 6 March and it’s the 8th already. I’m 2 days late. Or will my cycle be about the 24 March.
hi thank you, does this mean that I wont get my period that is due on the 7 April and then just get it by my normal cycle of 25 days from the early period. regards, dianne
I had an abortion Jan 20th (pill)
First menstrual Feb 21-26
Had unprotected sex March 1st & 4th (ovulation week)
Second menstrual (4 days early ) March 17-22
I’m feeling extremely weird. Feels like I’m pregnant but pregnant with a period! Help
Hi TK, if you still feel like you are pregnant I would make an appointment with your doctor to ensure that the pregnancy was terminated completely and there are no remnants left. Generally if you have gotten your period you wouldn’t still be, however maybe just get a second opinion.
I had a follow up appt two weeks after the termination, everything went well. It’s just now I’m feeling weird. Even with a period I feel pregnant
HI TK, your body could still be getting back to normal. SInce you are sure you aren’t pregnant just take this as your first period which tends to be heavier than previous ones and maybe make you feel more bloated. Drink more water to help flush out the bloat. Other than that feel better.
Hi i just had a question. So i had my period on the 17th of this month ended it on the 19th and i have pink spotting 4 days after is it spotting or do I still just have my period?
Hi Robin, it’s quite possible that it’s just your period, or it could be ovulation spotting depending on how long your cycle is but that seems really early.
My name is Brittaney & I recently experienced some bleeding 5 days before my actual cycle. First there was some bright red spotting, then a very light brown color. Later in the day, I urinated twice, there was no evidence of blood at all. Then during the evening before bed there was a pinkish discharge after I wiped. Today, it happened again but as the day progressed I began to think it was just my period even with it being 4 days before my norm cycle. I took a test a week ago & it was negative & then once the bleeding started I took another & it was negative as well but why is my period irregular? I am only 26 years old I know when my periods come which is the end of the month towards the days 24th- 27th & they only last about 3 days. I had intercourse with my boyfriend february 26 before he went on his trip a day after my period completely stopped. I am not sure whether or not this is implantation bleeding or my menstrual cycle & i’ve been tested so STD’s are ruled out. I am not sure exactly what to do
Hi Brittaney, it could be your period. Honestly I’ve gotten my period early because of changes to my lifestyle, stress, diet changes, and medication. It does happen. If you are indeed pregnant you would have been testing a bit early. Wait until about 5 days after your period would have normally began and test again.
i got my period 2 weeks early. i got them in the beginning of march and now ive got them again now on the 20th of march. i am sexually active so i am really worried. please tell me what i should do.
Hi Anne, sometimes our bodies do odd things to make us worry. If it’s the first time, I would track it like your regular period and go from there. Depending on the heaviness it could also have been ovulation bleeding as well two weeks prior to you actual period. I would keep an eye out for your period to start again within two weeks and take it from there. If it happens again next month I would make an appointment with your doctor to rule anything else out.
it has been pretty heavy and its been like my normal period. thanks alot this made me alot less worried.
ill take your advice in mind
Sure thing Anne Marie, good luck!
Hi, I always have my period the same start day pretty much every month subract a day or so. It started february 17 and end bout the 20th.
For some reason my period came a week early this month should i be concerned, ?I cant remember this ever happening to me because I am very much the same every month. Im not sexually active.
Hi Eva, no you shouldn’t be worried. A week early can happen. Are you going through any additional stress, changes in habits on a regular basis, weight gain, medications, etc. These things can cause changes in your cycle. All in all though nothing to be concerned about.
Hi I’m Jeni last period in February 4th.. But this month missing the period for 4days pregnant or not please answer me…
Hi Jeni, if you haven’t seen your period yet, I would take a pregnancy test.
Hi im christine i got my menstruation last jan 25 and it lasted for 5 days. Then on the 9 of feb i have sex with my husband,and I’m fertile that time, and this feb. 12-14 i have spotting, i dont know if my menstruation is too early or there’s something wrong? I’ve expect to have my menses this coming 25,but now i dont know what to do.
Hello Cristinejoyce, this might be caused y many things, read the following link: https://womanjunction.com/spotting-between-periods/
Hi. My problem is that my periods are so irregular. I have been trying to conceive for the past 6 months. In December my period started on the 26th, in January on the 19th and in February on 13th. What could be wrong with me?
Hi Judith, If you have irregular periods you might want to talk to your doctor regarding that, especially if you are trying to conceive with no luck. As far as your January period it looks to be early based on the December date, but February period seemed to be at a 25 day cycle. You could also look into ovulation tests to see when you are ovulating in order to determine the ideal days to try and conceive. Good luck!
Hi, i had my periods on 1st december and ends with 5th december but next month it stated like 26 january to 31 january and now 11th february once again i am getting red spotting continuously, actually its like very early period i am confused what to do what problem i have, i am trying to conceive but this changes make me afraid. pls help me to solve this problem
Hi Vanitha, have you always had irregular periods? It could be that you aren’t ovulating on a regular schedule. If that’s the case then you might want to talk to your doctor regarding issues that you may be having because having irregular periods can make it harder to pinpoint when you are ovulating to help you get pregnant. If you don’t want to see them then maybe try getting ovulation tests. But also think about anything stressful going on in your life, illness, changes in weight or exercise routine, that could cause irregularity as well. Good luck!
Hi. I had my period on the 2nd of January that lasted 4 days. My periods have always been very regular. However I had sex on the 11th, 13th, 14th and 17th of January. I was expecting my period on the 30th of January but it started on the 27th as pink, brown then later turned red for 3 days accompanied by some cramping but I knew it wasn’t my period because it was very light and didn’t have tiny clots like my normal period. I did a home urine and blood test on the 4th of February and both came out negative. I have headaches and back pains. my breasts were sore but they are fine now. I am totally confused. I already have an 8 year old girl. Please help.
Hi there Karen, if you think you might be pregnant then take a pregnancy test again, this time 7 days after a missed period.
Hi 🙂 i got my period last December on its exact date 19- 23 then i get it again early in January it came 14th of January and ended at 18th now 30th of January i have it again…is it normal?
Hello Jelaine, you seem to be having an irregular cycle. Read more about this here:
Hi! I had my period on the 10th of January and am having it again today being 30th of January and it’s the first time am experiencing it. It came out dark,brown first then turn to brown. Now it’s so little reddish. Am confused what could be the cause of it
Hello Aniekeme, read more about this dark brown colored bleeding here:
Hi plz I used to have a 25days cycle but sometimes it will come out a day earlier or a day late, does that mean my menstrual cycle is irregular?
I have been trying to conceive again as I earlier had miscarriage at 12weeks I did all medically advised even evacuation but am not leaving with my husband he vist twice a year, now he visited and we hadn’t sex all through my fertile window and my menses came two days early with a brownish discharge, and the next day a red blood came out that lasted for two days, and am always yawning due to tiredness plz what could be my problem
Hi Jovial,
Getting your period within a day or two either before or after your anticipated date does not make it irregular. You would still be ovulating at roughly the same phase every period. I’m sorry to hear about your miscarriage. What I would recommend if you don’t know when you are ovulating and don’t have (or haven’t noticed) your bodies changes regarding ovulation, I would recommend getting some ovulation tests for when he is home. Then you can plan for the best times to have intercourse so that you have a better chance of getting pregnant. Good luck.