What are the chances of getting pregnant

What are the chances of getting pregnant? You might be asking this question if you are having difficulties when trying to get pregnant. If this is true, then you have come to the right place. Keep reading as the information below will help to answer this question.

are you pregnantMost couples try to have a baby in order to start a family after marriage. If you fall into this category, there are certain things that you must know, such as how and when to engage in unprotected sex as well as how you can predict ovulation.

You should also know about the type of changes to make in your lifestyle to boost fertility. It is common for stress to cause both man and woman to have lower fertility. Besides stress, poor dieting and lack of nutrition can cause a woman to have hormonal imbalance and a man to have lower sperm count.

Therefore, the couple’s overall well-being is very important when they are trying to get pregnant. Some other factors like age might also affect your chances of getting pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant?

You have about twelve chances as a woman to get pregnant during a year because you are ovulating once a month. This is why it is very important to know the correct ovulation dates to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. In general, a woman is most fertile around the fourteenth day of a twenty-eight day menstrual cycle.

Many couples conceive within 6 months of engaging in sexual intercourse. Almost 85 percent of couples are able to get pregnant after trying for 12 months and 50 percent of the remaining ones are likely to conceive in the next 3 years. If you need help to predict your best days to get pregnant, you can use of the ovulation prediction kits which are readily available at the pharmacy.

If you have just gotten married, you can plan your honeymoon around your ovulation period. Ensure that you choose a beautiful and relaxed destination where you can make love away from the hustles and bustles and everyday worries.

Since you are trying to conceive, you must avoid hectic trips with a lot of adventurous activities. It would also help if you have a body that is healthy and well-nourished. Once you conceive, the first week of your pregnancy will start.

Now if you are lucky to conceive before your pre-planned honeymoon, you need to find out if it’s safe for you to fly to your destination during pregnancy. A good recommendation is to get a medical checkup before going on this trip.
Hopefully, you will get to start a family soon after finding out what are the chances of getting pregnant.

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