Implantation is a critical step in the process of conception that isn’t always spoken of or understood. While it’s absolutely vital to get right, many hopeful parents aren’t educated on the subject and so they’re missing out on the key to getting pregnant.

While the intricate details of implantation aren’t fully known, we have developed a calculator to help pinpoint the most likely days to achieve implantation during your menstrual cycle -> CLICK HERE to go straight to the calculator.

Table of Content:

What is Implantation?

calculate implantation bleedingImplantation is the end product after the sperm comes into contact with the egg and fertilizes it. This is called a zygote. It then travels to the uterus where it attaches itself into the uterine lining [1].

This is the process, and without implantation, pregnancy is not possible and the body will naturally eliminate it during your next cycle.

Implantation Calculator


When did your last period start?


How long is your cycle?



Possible Signs of Implantation

After implantation occurs, it’s normal to see some light bleeding or spotting. This is actually from the embryo attaching to the uterine wall and is nothing to be concerned with. It’s actually a good sign! However, this is not a necessity.

Not all women experience implantation bleeding or cramping. This can happen roughly 10 to 14 days after conception, and implantation bleeding is generally significantly lighter than a regular period [2].

Some might also start to notice the very first signs of pregnancy at this point such as breast soreness and fatigue [3]. Additional symptoms that you might notice other than the obvious of a missed period, could be moodiness, aversions to certain foods, bloating, and nasal congestion and even constipation [1].

As you notice, some of these are very similar to those of PMS so noticing them might not even happen until you get a positive and can link the two.

The hormone levels increase right away and this is your body changing to start to accommodate a new life and help it grow.

Implantation Timing

The timeframe for implantation is anywhere from seven to twelve days after ovulation, however generally occurs right around day nine [5].

Once this process has occurred some of the most sensitive pregnancy tests can determine pregnancy, but sometimes it takes another day or so. Which is why it’s recommended to wait until a missed period to take a pregnancy test [1].

After implantation has occurred, the body starts to produce the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) [4]. For pregnancies that last more than six weeks, the first appearance of hCG occurred 6 to 12 days after ovulation; 118 women (84 percent) had implantation on day 8, 9, or 10 [5].

Calculating the days of your cycle, ovulation, and the most likely days for the embryo to implant can be confusing. If you are having trouble conceiving, using an ovulation or implantation calculator to get the best estimate for your most fertile period can be helpful in getting pregnant.

It can also put your mind at ease to calculate your implantation dates so if you see light bleeding, you’ll know if it’s possibly related to the embryo implanting rather than your next period or a miscarriage.

But, just be aware that many times implantation bleeding happens around the time of your next period.

How To Use The Implantation Calculator

The calculator is simple to use and just like the most of the other calculators available to you, the only information you need to know is the day you started your last period and the typical length of your cycle.

Once you plug in those numbers, the calculator will give you several dates that are important for you to know when trying to conceive:

Estimated Fertile Period – This is the range of dates that you’re most likely to be fertile or in other words when an egg is most likely to be released from the Fallopian tubes.

Implantation – This is the range of dates that, if an embryo was formed and it united with sperm and was fertilized, it would likely make it to the uterus to implant itself in the wall.

Most Likely Date Range – Most implantation occurs on days 8 to 10, so this is the range of the most likely days for implantation according to when 84% of women experience it.

Once the calculator is finished, you’ll have your date ranges as well as a chart that shows you the days past ovulation (DPO) with the highest probability of implantation.

This information is helpful to look at so you can pinpoint the possible cause of any cramping or bleeding you may experience that could be related to implantation of an embryo.

To Conclude

It’s important to note that the calculator only provides an estimation of your ovulation and implantation dates according to the information provided. This means that if you aren’t accurate with your LMP you might not get an accurate result.

It can also be skewed if you have an irregular period in which the length of your cycle isn’t the same every month or varies significantly.

If that is the case, then the recommendation would be to speak with your doctor about the possibility of helping to regulate your cycle.

In addition, if you’ve been trying to conceive for longer than six months with no success, it may be a good idea to talk to a doctor and work together to form a plan for conception. This, in conjunction with the calculator, could help you determine what your symptoms are actually due to.

Frequently Asked Questions about Implantation Bleeding

How do I know if it’s implantation bleeding or my period?

Implantation bleeding is lighter than a regular period and remains light without getting heavier as it continues if it does. Also, it’s generally light pink or brown. If you normally get cramps, you should anticipate the cramps to be a lot less severe [6].

How long will implantation bleeding last?

Generally less than 3 days.

When should I be concerned?

Implantation bleeding isn’t something to worry about. However, if you have heavier bleeding, or the bleeding increases (especially if you have gotten a positive pregnancy test), contact your doctor ASAP, the on-call one if necessary. Also if you have cramping that does not subside or gets more intense, also call the doctor.

I think I had implantation bleeding, when can I take a pregnancy test?

You can take the pregnancy test right away, but it’s best to wait 3 days after your missed period to take the test as the result might be more reliable.

I have no symptoms of implantation, can I still be pregnant?

Yes, you can still be pregnant. Many women don’t experience any symptoms and their first sign of a successful implantation is a missed period. Take a pregnancy test after you miss your period.

Does every woman experience implantation bleeding?

No, implantation bleeding only occurs in 15-25% of early pregnancies [7].


  1. Healthline. Implantation Cramping: Timing, Location, and More.
  2. Study. What is Implantation in Pregnancy? Symptoms & Signs. [link]
  3. Lindsay Meisel via Ava Women. When Does Implantation Occur? [link]
  4. American Pregnancy Association. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): The Pregnancy Hormone. [link]
  5. New England Journal of Medicine 340(23):1796-9. June 1999 via Research Gate. Time of Implantation of the Conceptus and Loss of Pregnancy. [link]
  6. Kelly Sundstrom via Parenting. Is it Implantation Bleeding or Just a Visit from Aunt Flo?
  7. Snell, B. J. (2009, November 12). Assessment and management of bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy [Abstract]. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 54(6), 483-491. [link]
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