One of the early pregnancy signs is implantation bleeding and this will happen for about one-third of all women who get pregnant. This is actually a lesser known symptom. Keep reading to know more as this article will look at how to recognize implantation bleeding or period.
Although it is not noticeable at all times, this type of bleeding might take place when a fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine wall or lining.
The egg will implant itself six to twelve days after being fertilized by a sperm and traveling down from the fallopian tube and then into the uterus. While this is happening, a very small part of the uterine lining might be released or disturbed.
This small percentage of blood might appear as bleeding or spotting. If you learn how to recognize the sign of implantation bleeding, then you will have an early clue that pregnancy has started.
Implantation Bleeding or Period – How to recognize what do you have
Look at the timing. As mentioned above, this type of bleeding usually occurs during pregnancy about six to twelve days after conception, which is near to the time of your expected menstrual cycle.
Check when you had sex last. If the time is over one or two months, then it is not likely that you are seeing implantation bleeding.
Implantation bleeding can be confused with the regular menstrual cycle, so some women discover that their pregnancy is one month further along than the original estimated time.
If you cannot visit the doctor to confirm a pregnancy, other testing can be done to determine the right gestational age of your fetus.
Examine the quantity and color of the bleeding. When you do this, it can help you to distinguish between the start of a normal menstrual cycle and implantation bleeding.
The implantation bleeding doesn’t generally resemble the bleeding that occurs in a normal period as it’s lighter in color and low in quantity. At times, this bleeding can be just a single spot or spotting for several hours.
Typically, implantation bleeding comes with a brownish tint or pink discharge. It’s often darker in color when compared to period blood since it takes some time to travel from the wall of the uterus to the vagina. This bleeding is also relatively light and you will only experience it for a couple of days.
In some cases, the flow of blood resembles a very light period. For most women, the menstrual blood color has a more red shade and it will flow heavier within one or two days.
See if you are having cramps. Implantation bleeding is frequently accompanied by mild to moderate cramping as the embryo is invading the uterine wall. Cramping is actually common in this type of bleeding and it might happen as early as 7 days prior to a missed period.
The cramps can differ in severity, some women experience similar ones to menstrual cramps or feel like their period is starting.
As you can imagine, these symptoms can be tricky as early pregnancy signs are similar to what you might feel immediately before your period. In the event that abdominal cramps continue to intensify, it could be a regular period or a pregnancy problem like an ectopic pregnancy.
There are also instances when the pain may be linked to a totally different medical condition like a bladder infection or appendicitis.
Confirming the Symptoms
if you believe that you are experiencing implantation bleeding, You should wait for at least a day after your period is due before taking a pregnancy test.
This type of bleeding can take place very early in your cycle and you might not have sufficient pregnancy hormone to get back a positive test. It is always a good idea to do a follow-up test at the doctor after getting a positive pregnancy result.
When You Should Be Concerned About Implantation Bleeding
As a pregnant woman, you should be worried about heavy, very red bleeding that contains clots or maybe comes with severe discomfort or cramps. Implantation bleeding might take place after artificial insemination as well. If the bleeding continues you should contact your doctor as early as possible.
It also recommended for you to consult a doctor if the bleeding is causing an uneasy feeling or if you have any questions or concerns. You should also get checked out by your doctor if you are feeling any pain that you might not experience during your normal period and is not subsiding on its own after a couple of days.
Aside from those things, you should contact your doctor if have other symptoms such as chills, fever or heavy bleeding.
Approximately 20 to 30% of pregnancies have bleeding during the early stages [1]. If you think that you are pregnant and you are experiencing light spotting or bleeding, it could be a normal healthy pregnancy sign.
- Spotting During Pregnancy [Link]
Hello. The first day of my period last April 2019 was at the 21st. We had protected sex because we use condom. But on the 15th of May 2019 I felt unusual feelings like excessive salivation, heightened sense of smell and nausea. I thought that I was pregnant. But on the 27th of May 2019, there is a bleeding came. It lasted for 3 days. But even if the bleeding disappear; the feelings didn’t. Until now, I have excessive salivation, strong sense of smell and nausea. I’m really confuse and worried because my baby is still small. Is it possible that I am pregnant? Please help me what to do. Thank you.
Hi Ann, take a pregnancy test. If you are worried you are pregnant take a test. But you had protected sex and the method didn’t fail and you got your period, you are most likely not pregnant.
I did my period April 18th 2019
And I had unprotected sex
Today 24th I saw brownish spotting
I don’t know if am pregnant
Hi there Ladun, take a pregnancy test if you think you might be pregnant.
help needed!!!!! my cycles are irregular first off. I had my cycle march 22 2019 but april 16th 2019 I spotted light pink for 2 days along with mild cramping lower back pain and very irritated. could I be pregnant?
Hi Danielle, well it could have been your period at that timeframe. Have you taken a pregnancy test? If not and you have’t gotten a period at this point go ahead and take one to be sure.
My period was on 18th in the last month (March). But I had unprotected sex in 19th (this month). Now I’ve seen 2 small blood clots of brownish red colour & I’m missing my period. Can I be pregnant?
Hi Farince, a month apart you are looking at it being your period. Some women do experience small clots on a regular basis with their period, that’s just how their body works. As far as your period missing that could have been the beginning of it. If you have’t seen what you normally do at this point I would take a pregnancy test.
I’m 43 I had my period has been 30day cycle but the last 3 months have been off I had one February 18 then I had my period 5 days earlier on March the 18th and now I have my period on the 11th and I bleed real heavy the first day and today it’s brown and a little pink red what could this mean
Last week l had sex.2days later,l wiped red flow of blood which took some few hours.4days later,l began experiencing light cramps and a not of backaches.could it be a pregnancy?
Hello Shantel, unless you had conceived before the sexual encounter stated, then you would not be seeing signs of pregnancy so soon.
Hi The last time I had intercourse was February 16,2019 then I came on my period March 2nd -7th. Two weeks later I again came on my cycle but I was not sure if it was that or imitation bleeding, it lasted for about a week then I came off. I still did not have intercourse during this time. My next cycle is April 1, 2019 but I have not came on and I have been feeling light cramps as if I am but I do not. Can you explain to me what’s happening?
Hello Becca, did your period start as yet? If not take a pregnancy test.