A normal monthly menstruation usually occurs on 1st to 7th day in a 28 day cycle, yet not everyone receives a regular period every month. Many women are often surprised with an early period that can sometimes cause confusion. Periods that arrive early or late may be due to hormonal imbalances, and should be checked out if this occurs on a regular basis. While irregular periods are certainly inconvenient, they are fairly common among women and can be caused by a variety of conditions that affect normal bodily cycles of menstruation and ovulation. Early menstrual periods can be the result
Top Reasons for Getting Your Period Earlier Than Usual
Hi miss, I had my last month (DECEMBER) menstruation on 31st (28th cycle). This month should be 28th Jan but came one day early 27th Jan! I am trying to conceive. Will i have any problem for my conceiving?
Hi there Santhy, this should pose no problems with conception. https://womanjunction.com/
I got my periods last month for 3 days (22-25th December), if not shorter than that.. I’ve been trying to get pregnant with my partner. The bleeding wasn’t heavy and usually i always have it for at least 5days. I thought i might be pregnant but unfortunately all the tests I took came back negative. 2 weeks later, I started bleeding again, what seems like my periods came early, 15th Jan, I had it for approx.5 days than i normally do. I’ve been feeling nausea but some days I also really loose my appetite.. I feel pregnant but even after the early period I took another test and it was negative. I rang my doctor and she arranged for some blood testing but Does anyone know what this might mean? Could I be pregnant?? (PS. I really want to be!!) Thank you
Hello Sam, I suspect your doctor will do a blood test to check for pregnancy which is the most detectable ways to confirm pregnancy. All the best.
Hi..my periods are normally regular. But this month it comes 10 days before due date. I’m really worried about it..is it any problem?
Hi there Jaspreet, please read the below link for more information on why this might have happened.https://womanjunction.com/top-reasons-for-getting-your-period-earlier-than-usual/
Hi. My period is very regular 28 day cycles always on time. We have been trying to conceive for The last 3 months. This month I got a brown/pinky discharge on my day 23 and on day 24 i had full RED blood kinda heavy period which i have changed my pad 4 times the Day . This is 5 days early for my normal cycle. I’m just so used to getting my period every month .What do you think? can i still be pregnant?
Hi Dee,
With the flow being bright red and heavy it would generally not be implantation bleeding, which is usually either dark brown and light pink, but also spotty. I would consider it your regular period, or perhaps something else. I would take a test whenever your anticipated period is and go from there. If you are concerned, make an appointment with your doctor.
I was 2 days late last month for my period, and 2 days early this month. But it’s light and brownish accompanied with light cramping this month. And I always have heavy flow before now. Trying to conceive for 9 months.
Any luck this month and when can I take up a preg test?
Hi Margret,
Without any other information such as when your period was supposed to start we can’t give to much information. However, I would recommend taking a pregnancy test after your anticipated start day.
My periods comes usually in 28 to 27 days cycle every month..In January I got 8 days early from my date now my cycle is 25 days😯…. is it normal or have to contact doctor??
Because I am planning to conceive next month..
Hello Khushi, this happens to females at times due to stress etc. Once you are able to calculate when you ovulate conception will still happen.
My period is 6 days early with back pain and cramping and tender breast could i be pregnant or just my period came early
Hello Sesley, this could simply mean that your period returned earlier than normal.
Hi I have similar issue. My period comes nearly around same time every month, sometimes off just by a few days to a day. I have About a 31 day cycle. Last month my period came 3 days early. Which was pretty early for me not only that but it was short, as in like 3 days and that’s it. It was over and finished by the day that it was due! So considering my short cycle, I calculate my period according to my regular 31 day cycle to start on the 8th of this month, (or the twelth considering a regular cycle) well… This morning I look at my hubby and say Mann I feel really tingly and kinda crampy way down low like I’m gonna start my period and laughed at it a little. (Yesterday I woke up and all day my lower back ached like I’d pulled a muscle in my sleep or something) well I went to the bathroom and yep, low and behold, there was brown discharge in my panties. I was actually shocked, when I wiped there was a little watery red blood but not alot. I put in a tampon and checked it later on and it was mostly brown, not full, but had some red blood too. I’m still cramping, feels like cramps r almost in center in front but radiate in my lower back. Honestly I feel like total crap, right now.. an hour ago I was cramping but very very slightly and was in a hyper good mood. Now cramps are kinda mild and I feel sluggish and .. bitchy, honestly. Edgy . Did my period come early? Should I worry or not? Has my cycle decided to go irregular??? I havent been too stressed lately. Actually alot less than i normally am. I’m not on ANY birth control and haven’t been for years. I have two babies already, close in age, We are NOT trying to concive. But we are very sexually active and only ever use pull out method. Sorry for the tmi. Please reply.
Hi there Dani, please take a pregnancy test. Your sexual method is one which produces a high risk for pregnancy.
Hi, I never had irregular periods until this month. Every month my period starts on 17th or 18th but this month out of no where it started on 9th and again it started today on 31st. Is it possible to get periods twice a month? I have been trying to get pregnant for the past 10 months but it’s not happening? What could be the reason and do the irregularities mean any thing? Please advise.
Hello Tenzin, since this happening is quite strange for you I would advise that you take a pregnant test to see if you are pregnant or not.
Thank you. I will do the test
My periods have been normal for the last few months and now this month its very unusual. I started 2 days earlier than expected and it was lighter than usual. My periods are usually very heavy and have alot of clots this one did not have hardly any clots at all and very light and it ended a day earlier than expected. I am not on any birth control or any other medicines. I took a pregnancy test on the day that my period was suppose to come and I was still bleeding and it came back negative. Is this normal for a period to do this or what could it be? TIA
Hello Tiffany, this seems to be a bit irregular, however please give yourself some time before you re-test for pregnancy (after bleeding) as you might be pregnant especially due to the fact that you are not on any form of birth control.
Hi, I m getting regular periods from last 3-4 months , but according to regular cycle , it should be in the end of dec. I got periods on Nov 2 and then in starting of dec , and now again I got it on Dec 20 and the bleeding is very less. Maybe , it’s for 1 or 2 days only . I’m worried. What could be the reason ?
Hello Harnoor, please read the below links: https://womanjunction.com/spotting-between-periods/
I had my period on the 1st now It came again on the 16th, how is this possible…??
Hello Lizzy, this is irregular. See the following link: https://womanjunction.com/irregular-menstrual-cycle-occurs/
Hi. My period is very regular. 27 or 28 day cycles to a T. We have been trying to conceive for The last 7 months. This month I got a very light but still RED blood period the Day after a negative pregnancy test. This is 5 days early for my normal cycle. And this would be day 9 of my cycle. I’m just so used to getting my period every month I always assume I will be disappointed. This will be my third day of light spotting. What do you think?
Hello Liz, if this is not the usual flow for your regular period then take a pregnancy test after a week’s time.
My period is early this month and my boyfriend is coming to see me. Do I “take” my sugar pills as usual even though I’m not going to be on my period, or do I take my active pills now to reassure that I won’t get pregnant! I’m kinda freaking out, please help
Hello Lily, please ensure you use a birth control protective method.
Hi, I am a school going girl. Since the last two months i am having my periods early. Last month it was on 15th,this month on 8th. I am really worried.Another thing is that since last month i have started doing mild exercises. Will i have any problem in my future regarding my ability to give birth?, I am a virgin by the way.
Hello Elsa, no, mild exercise should not prevent you from being able to conceive or give birth later on.
I had my period on the 27th of October, just today the 13th of November I started feeling the normal menstrual pain I witness monthly, and on checking, I found out that my period is out again. Please I stand to be advised on the causes since I did not have unprotected sex. Thank you.
Hi there Chantel, read the below link: https://womanjunction.com/irregular-menstrual-cycle-occurs/
Hi! My menstrual normally comes on the 17-20 of each month. In september, it came on the 17th, but in October it came on the 11th and lasted for like 3 days and stopped and then came back a pink color for one day then it stopped. Now this month, it has started on the 11th but its a light pink/brown color. Could I be pregnant?
Hello Chiandria Sales, take a pregnancy test 7 days after your missed period.