5 Tips to Boost your Energy Faster During Postpartum Recovery

Postpartum recovery is even more complex than the actual delivery for some women due to the extreme fatigue they experience. The body heals in its own time, and getting enough rest is a must during the six weeks following delivery. Postpartum depression is common among women who do not get enough rest, which could escalate into other health conditions.

Get energy boosters

Take supplements, injections, or IV therapy to gain energy quickly after delivering a child. IV therapy reaches the bloodstream directly, meaning over 90% of the vitamins and nutrients in your chosen formula are absorbed by the body.

Drip Hydration provides special IV drips for boost energy, strengthen immunity, and relieve fatigue. They help the tired mothers get a much-needed rejuvenation instantly.

Concierge MD LA, Seattle IV therapy providers, and Immanence Health Seattle companies provide Vitamin IV Seattle services to new mothers. It helps refuel the body after blood loss and postpartum vaginal bleeding with the help of vitamin-loaded IV therapies.

Experienced professionals visit your home or office to administer these wellness-boosting services. You can cuddle your baby and read a book or watch television while your body gets replenished without much effort.

Eat healthy meals

Eat a nutritious diet according to your physician’s advice to help you adjust through sleepless nights. Try to increase intake of vegetables, protein, fruits, and whole grains.  Try to satisfy cravings with homemade snacks or energy bars that can give you a boost when you need it most.

If you are breastfeeding, it’s important to prioritize hydration to ensure you and your baby get plenty of fluids and electrolytes.  This can especially help avoid constipation, a common postpartum symptom.

Take extra supplements with your physician’s advice to help avoid vitamin deficiencies that can lead you to feeling run down or other health issues.  Keeping your nutrition consistent is key, even if losing weight after delivery doesn’t happen as fast as you hoped.

Get help and rest

Postpartum fatigue will only be relieved if you get enough rest during the month following the delivery. Arrange for help from support groups or friends to help you with domestic chores or seek your spouse’s help.

This can include strenuous household chores, running errands, or meal prep. Getting relief from day to day tasks during the first part of recovery can help you set a routine and help parents adjust to new life more easily.

While resting, try to darken the room when the baby sleeps and turn off electronic devices. Sleep when your baby sleeps whenever possible to ensure you are getting enough rest.  Avoid vigorous exercises for the first six weeks to prevent bleeding in the perineum region due to unnecessary strain.

Get pillows that support the back and neck comfortably when you sleep to ease the stiff neck and shoulders from holding the baby.

Keep calm

Remember, everybody goes through fatigue and pain during the postpartum period, and you are not alone. Be open with the people you trust and let me know your needs. Listen to your favorite music with headsets and indulge in relaxing practices like reading during your rare rest time. Watch a comedy clip, laugh out loud, think good thoughts, and feel thankful for the baby.

Babies wake up constantly during the first six weeks, and new mothers are always busy. Prioritize rest and bonding with your little one, and don’t stress yourself by comparing yourself to others. 

Experiencing baby blues during the first two weeks of postpartum is normal for new moms. The problem is when the symptoms take longer to subside as it could be a sign of postpartum depression.

Still, there is no particular time period for it to occur because in some cases, it could be even after a year of delivery. Make sure to speak to your doctor and support network about how you are feeling so they can give you the support you need.

Get the treatment you need

As your body adjusts after delivery, you will experience countless body changes.  New motherhood can feel overwhelming, leading many to neglect important self-care.  But it’s important to keep yourself in good shape so that you can care for your child.

Make sure to get treatment for your health concerns, whether over the counter or through your doctor. Don’t pressure yourself to lose weight, instead focus on making yourself healthy and comfortable as your body heals.

Wait to begin exercise until your doctor says it’s okay, and then begin with moderate exercise, gradually increasing workout intensity as you get stronger.

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