How to Stop Your Period

Some women try to stop their periods in many different ways after researching methods on the Internet or using home remedies. In most cases, they will follow unreliable suggestions or bad advice which are not effective and can be potentially dangerous to their health.

Where medicine is concerned there are few options available for women to stop periods and most will only work temporarily. The following information will give some suggestions on how to stop your period temporarily but safely, regardless of your reasons for doing so.

How to Stop Your Period

contraceptionContraceptives: Hormonal contraceptives are designed to stop fertilization and ovulation. They can be in the form of a patch, oral, or injectable. Intrauterine devices and implants are available as well, and these release hormones.

The simplest and best way to stop your monthly periods is with the pill form of oral contraceptives. For this to work, you would take the hormonal pills one cycle prior to the time when you don’t want the period to start.

You will stop seeing your periods if taken regularly and as directed. Your periods will come back as soon as you stop taking the pills.

Just remember though that extended use of hormonal contraceptives has been linked to increased risk of hormonal imbalances, headaches, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.

For this reason, it is best to consult your doctor to get advice on the type that is suited to your needs. The doctor will also outline the dosage, what to expect, as well as the risks involved.

Medications: There are a number of medications that you could use to stop your period. You might be recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that include mefenamic acid, naproxen or ibuprofen painkillers.

These tablets can help to decrease abdominal cramps, as well as bleeding. You could take these three to four times daily before your period and then continue until the period stops.

Another medication that you could use is the tranexamic acid tablet. It induces blood clotting in the uterus to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding. You could take two to three of these, three to four times daily once the bleeding starts and then continue the doses for three to four days.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists can also help, but they should only be considered as a short-term option. They will function by interfering with the estrogen activity in the body.

Flexible Cup: This is an option to consider as it can stop blood from flowing from your vagina. It does not necessarily stop menstruation, and it can be worn for up to twelve hours.

The main advantage of using this is that it appears to stop your period without giving the side effects of medications or hormones. You could even use it when having sex, traveling or swimming. Just remember that the cup will not prevent pregnancy and should not be used as a form of contraceptive.

Surgery: Some doctors recommend surgery as a way to stop or control periods. You might have to consider this if a medical condition, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroid is causing you to bleed heavily.

Your doctor might suggest a hysterectomy, or a total removal of the uterus, to stop your periods entirely, but this will only be done if other procedures are not successful. Some of the other procedures might include endometrial ablation, myomectomy, or uterine artery embolization.

Here are some of the ways that you could stop your periods naturally:

  • Eat a healthy diet that includes a great deal of vegetables and fruits to help ease your menstrual symptoms.
  • You can lighten your menstrual flow if you are drinking a lot of water or juice.
  • Taking baths can also help you to slow down or stop your period temporarily.
  • Add green beans to your diet, as these are particularly known for helping to slow down menstrual cycle.
  • Some women have gotten good results from using gelatin and water. You could mix one gelatin package with water and consume it quickly to stop your period for about three hours.
  • Mix a glass of water with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to help slow down your menstrual flow as well as calm down other symptoms. You can drink this mixture three times daily for the best effects.
  • You can suck on a piece of lemon to stop your period temporarily.

Some people have reported that herbal supplements, such as cramp bark or Shepherd’s purse, can be used, but there is no scientific proof to say if they will work. It is also said that ice packs can be applied to the abdomen for a few minutes to reduce the blood flow and pain during a period.

You can try some of these methods to control or stop your period temporarily, but they might not be very reliable or effective. Bear in mind that most of the home remedies work temporarily and might not be completely reliable, so you need to consult your doctor to find out the best ways for you to stop your period.
Image: Pixabay


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