A normal monthly menstruation usually occurs on 1st to 7th day in a 28 day cycle, yet not everyone receives a regular period every month. Many women are often surprised with an early period that can sometimes cause confusion. Periods that arrive early or late may be due to hormonal imbalances, and should be checked out if this occurs on a regular basis. While irregular periods are certainly inconvenient, they are fairly common among women and can be caused by a variety of conditions that affect normal bodily cycles of menstruation and ovulation. Early menstrual periods can be the result
Top Reasons for Getting Your Period Earlier Than Usual
I have a 21 day cycle . Last month my cycle was three days early without any sexual intercourse. I’ve had unprotected sex the last two days of the month (OCT). Now we’re in November and my cycle is two days early and I’m cramping really bad. Should i consult a doctor?
Hello Bee, consult a doctor if cramping unusual and unbearable.
Hii, my last period was on 20th october and suddenly today the bleeding started. Otherwise my menstrual cycle is regular . But Last time i bleed very less and yesterday i had to do lots of physical labour. Plus i am not having any issues like pressure, stress,sex currently. So, is it the regular periods or should i be more concerned about it?
Hello Priyanka, this might have been your regular periods.
I have gotten my period 7 days early, with none of the symptoms that usually accompany it IE: cramps and swollen breasts. I haven’t had any changes in lifestyle, no weight gain or loss and my exercise levels have remained the same. I am not stressed out either. What else can cause this besides sexually transmitted diseases?
Hi there Kris, read the below link: https://womanjunction.com/trying-to-conceive-when-you-have-irregular-periods-after-birth-control/
Hi, am 20 and a virgin I do see my period on day 5, 7,sometimes 10 and sometimes at the end of the month finish on the other month, pls what should I do?
Hello Lawrentta, not sure what the complaint is here.
Get married, have an orgasm
It’s healthy for you
Hello there
Before 10 days ago I start taking cipralex, I had a big anxiety and panic attacks. My period was on 10.10.2017 and yesterday I got my period back exactly after two weeks, it is normal?
Hi there Dani, never heard of the effects of Cipralex being of such.
I haven’t really kept track of my period but there are instances which my period would be late/early by merely 2-3 days. However, my period came again, even though I had just had it on the 13th. It’s only been 15 days since my last cycle, I’m 2 weeks early. This is the first time I’ve had my period this early. Perhaps could hormonal and stress be the root of the problem?
Hello Mel, yes hormones and stress are two possible factors causing your early menses.
I’ve had periods coming early or irregularly for the last 5 months or so. This time is has only been 16 days between the end of last period and the start of the new one. The only stressful situation I’ve been in has been back in June, I’ve had no significant stress since then, I’m not using any contraceptives, I haven’t had any significant weight changes, and I feel no particular pain in the region. I’ve visited gynecologist in August, but she found no abnormalities and advised to wait and see. What might be the reason for period irregularities and for how much longer do I have to wait until it normalizes? I’m 26, and before June used to have normal 28-29 days periods.
Hello Naomi, read up on this using below link:
Hi , I had first time sex with my boyfriend on 7th of October and we used condoms. My period came early this month 22nd and it has stopped on 23rd and it comes very less this month . I am worried that I will get pregnant and tested pregnancy test on 23rd and it came out negative . Do I need to test again?
Hello Juju, please repeat pregnancy test 7 days after missed period.
My period came early this month I use to see it on 25 to 26 but this month came on 21 without any sign
Hi there Senzile, this happens to many women due to stress, hormonal changes, etc.
I had my period from 6th of Sept had sex on 8th after some days I started feeling dizzy my breast changed,,cramps n feel like vomiting. all my htp tested negative. then on 1st October I had my period I tested my self after my period n it was also negative but I’m still having those symptoms what could be wrong?
Hi there Ada, you having sex and having these symptoms after might not be related.
Yes I notice my period came on early this month last month it came on between the 15th and 18th of the month this month it came on the 10th it is now the 19th of the month I am having cramps and sore breast I dont know what’s going on or what too think
Hello Danae, please see link below: https://womanjunction.com/menstrual-cramps-after-period/
I recently saw my period 2 days earlier than usual, the flow was normal and so was the pain, but I noticed I did my usual 1 week sore breast before period, is this normal?? I used malaria drug earlier this Month though, I’d appreciate a reply pls, thanks Alison
Hello Shantelle, nothing seems abnormal here.
Hello, I saw my period 26th of last month now it’s the 13th of this month with Brown sign before blood.
Hi there Sabtiu, please wait to see what is happening.
I have recently came off my contraceptive pill as my partner and I have decided to start a family. I had my period last week which stopped midweek I am now having which could be described as pink discharge into spotting . Is this a normal symptom of early pregnancy? Or is it just my body getting used to not having the pill. I have had the flu as well so I dint know if it’s just the way I have been feeling in top of everything .
Hello Katie, this pink discharge could mean many things. To test for pregnancy take a PT 7 days after missed period.
I had my period last month on the 17th now I have my period on the 7th I have symptoms like I am pregnant but I wipe myself I see double blood and do a bit of clocks and it and the toilet is this light when I wipe myself is like a little bit can you tell me what’s really going on
Hi there Leslie, if you think you might be pregnant please take a pregnancy test 7 days after missed period.
I haven’t had sex ever and my first period was two years ago, I haven’t had my period in 3 months is that bad?
Hello Serenity, you seem to be having irregular periods. See link below: https://womanjunction.com/irregular-menstrual-cycle-occurs/