A normal monthly menstruation usually occurs on 1st to 7th day in a 28 day cycle, yet not everyone receives a regular period every month. Many women are often surprised with an early period that can sometimes cause confusion. Periods that arrive early or late may be due to hormonal imbalances, and should be checked out if this occurs on a regular basis. While irregular periods are certainly inconvenient, they are fairly common among women and can be caused by a variety of conditions that affect normal bodily cycles of menstruation and ovulation. Early menstrual periods can be the result
Top Reasons for Getting Your Period Earlier Than Usual
My period came earlier, cycle was 26 days for the past two months unlike early which was 28 days.
Phiona 26
Hello Phiona, this is not much cause for concern, see link below:
I have uterine fibroids which I want to manage since I don’t have children yet. I’m thinking of having them removed surgerically after having children. The only and time I had sex this year was in April, I had a pregnancy test shortly after and it was negative and my menstrual cycle has been stable, although I noticed that my breasts have become very tender lately. Just a few minutes ago, I noticed some blood on my panties, and today is the 24th day of my cycle. Although I’ve been under some kind of physical stress lately. This is my first time of experiencing this. What could cause it?
Hi there Tee01, it is hard to determine what might have caused this. Stress is a possibility. See your doctor for thorough examination if this persists.
My period in June was on the 2nd and again it started on 24th June and in July, not yet started my age is 44 years what should I do?
Hi there Manisha, please see the following link: https://womanjunction.com/irregular-menstrual-cycle-occurs/
Hi, my cycle came 5 days earlier than the normal date and I had pcos which was treated after that my cycles were regular now it is regular but it came early than the usual time so what could be the cause?
Hi there Tia, early periods can be caused by quite a number of things including change in diet, stress, hormonal fluctuations.
Hi last year may l had a miscarriage,since then I’ve been trying for a baby but nothing what’s the cause I’m not on pill
Hello Patience, there could be many reasons for this, see the following link: https://womanjunction.com/how-to-get-pregnant-guide/
My period usually comes after 32 days but this month it comes around 29 days is it normal?
Hi there Zainab, irregular periods happen for many reasons, see link: https://womanjunction.com/irregular-menstrual-cycle-occurs/
Hi I’m Max. My gf already got her period on 26th june and ended on 2 July . But why is she getting period on 7 July again ? This earlier than she is supposed to. We never had sex within 2 July until this 7 July .Why is that possibly happening ?Does this happen in certain women ?
Hello there Max, you and your girlfriend should read the below link, all the best:
Comment Text*I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend and some weeks later I had my period which was unusual since I was suppose to have my period two weeks later,but during my period,on the second day to be precise I went out with my boyfriend and I drank a lot,then later in the morning my period seized.I don’t understand can someone please explain this to me
Hi there Kelly, this might not have been your period, please read the article from the following link:https://womanjunction.com/irregular-menstrual-cycle-occurs/
I have the standard cycle. 28 days, period lasting 5 days. Has been like this since I was 12 (first got my period about 2-3 months after my 11th birthday). I’m in my late teens, and I’ve never had sex. School just ended, I got the grades I was hoping for, I finally got my license today. Came home and my abdomen hurt like hell. I laughed it off and joked that my stomach must not know I passed the test. I felt a burning/stinging sensation around my urethra, which happens sometimes. Sat down on the toilet and blood started rushing out. Suddenly my cramps got worse, bad enough that I started crying (this isn’t uncommon for me). In essence, everything that usually happens happened, just a week early. Why?
Hi Sam, this does happen. Possibly because you have been experiencing stress for the past week with the pressure of doing well for your driver’s license etc. Please see your doctor however to check for the presence of a Urinary Tract Infection.
I had protected sex with my boyfriend 4 days ago but now I’m bleeding like a period but my period isn’t due until next week (according to the app I have) I’m really scared cause if it’s a period I’m not having the usual symptoms such as sore breasts and I’ve no pain down there ? Can someone help please!!
Hi there Ciara, a period can come early as a result of bodily changes such as stress, etc. However observe how this progresses and see your doctor if any abnormality persists.
Please …I saw my period on the 2nd down to 6th of march and now am see it again at 25th of march.. Is it normal? I am on ant-biotics.
Hello there Nuratu sa’eed, the consumption of anti-biotics might be the culprit for this as it often times alters a woman’s cycle.
I am having periods 10 days early for 5 months. What should I do?
Hello there Mantasha, please see your doctor for a more thorough assessment of your condition however read the following link: https://womanjunction.com/irregular-menstrual-cycle-occurs/
I used to get my period every 28 days, for over a year now it’s coming earlier now, either 24 to 20 days, I’ll be 50 soon, I thought it would spread out not come earlier.
Hi there Wve, at your age if you recognize any abnormalities please see your doctor ASAP. This could mean anything, all the best.
Does this mean it goes for a shorter amount of time
it means it comes earlier than expected
I got medical abortion in September. after 2 months I started using birth control pills. this December I had my period 11 days earlier. so what can I do?
Hi Piyanka Das, your body has been through a lot in a short time, just be patient your body will normalize in a few months. If not go see your doctor.
I am having my period irregular, please assist me.
please read this post for some suggestions