Many women experience tender breasts at some point in their life. It can be caused by many reasons, the majority being of a hormonal nature. When this happens, the breasts can feel sore when you touch them or when you move around, and they feel heavier and/or fuller. Breast tenderness is one of the signs of pregnancy but can also be an indication that you are ovulating. Further complicating the matter, tender breasts can likewise be a symptom of PMS. Since pregnancy, ovulation and PMS all trigger the release of hormones into the body, all three conditions can affect your
Do Tender Breasts indicate Ovulation or Pregnancy?
My last mens was april15 2016. My cycle usualy takes 30-35days but until now I don’t havr my period yet. Last 3days ago i had unprotected sex, i feel hot, and my sex drive is high. Is it possible to be fertile more than a month after your period? Could i be pregnant?
Hi Kassy, please take a pregnancy test to be sure if you are pregnant or not. You could have missed your periods because of hormonal imbalance or stress.
Hi i had what i guess is a period last may 11 to may 12..after that i had cramps for almost a week then now my breast is so ovulation app says my ovulation starts may 24…since my period i felt like im bloated and im having back pain and i feel like i cant push my abdomen…i dont what happening..pls help m
Hi Kristina, cramps and backpain could be because of many reasons like uterine incapacity, hormonal imbalance, uteral cysts etc.
Hi there. My breasts were not paining while on my period this month, instead a week later after my period, it started aching, like a heavy tenderness. Please help!!
My husband had a vasectomy in November and we been trying every scene now this month my beast starting hurting three weeks before my period is supposed to start I had sex this morning and I was cramping for about 20 long seconds then it went away but no blood came down but with all theses symptoms. I think I’m pregnant
Hello, I have an app that says that I’m ovulating right now and my breast are sore and I have been cramping for the last couple of days. I had my period at the end of April beginning of May. I see some spotting every now and then what does that mean can I be pregnant?
Hello Antania, Spotting and cramps are signs of pregnancy, yes. Infact, tesearch proves that almost 30% of pregnant women experience such implantation bleeding. But you can only confirm through a pregnancy test so just go for it.
Hello, my name is Harriet am 26. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend during my ovulation, my period came out the day before the real day, it stopped that day and continued the next day, and lasted for 4days. But 3days after my period i did pregnancy test myself and it came out negative, but I noticed my breast has added, but am not feeling any pain in my nipple I always feel like eating everything. What could really be wrong with me.?
Hello Henrieta, There is nothing wrong with you honey. Increase in breast size, feeling hungry could just be because of hormonal changes during periods. So just dont’t worry.
Hello I had unprotected sex during my period. He came in me and all the sudden my period stopped within two days of my period. It usually lasts 7 days. Now My breast have been tender for almost three weeks now, my body gets hot quick, and Im always senstive. Could I be pregnant?
It is possible to get pregnant during a period. Wait to see if you’ll miss your next period.
My nipples seem bigger and cannot wear a bra as they are so sore. I have the Mirena coil in at the moment. I’m just worried I might be pregnant. Also been getting hot flushes tiredness and snappy. I’m 22 by the way so I’m worried it might be menopause. What does everybody think? Going to doctors tomorrow anyway.
Hi there,
Had unprotected sex last 3 days, could I get pregnant as tomorrow might be my ovulation day?!
Yes. Sperm can live up to 5 days in the Fallopian tubes and uterus. Did you find out yet? People date sex times to occur based on the sex of the child they want as well. 3 days ahead of time would put you in the Girl territory.
Can you be pregnant if you had unprotected sex right after your period? Coz my breasts, well, they’re heavy and sore a week after that. And been sore for one week now..
Hi Crinkles, yes that’s possible. In rare cases, you can even get pregnant if you have sex during period. Although heavy and sore breasts may be because of other reasons as well, such as foods rich in salt, caffeine.
Guys I’m pregnant!!!! Did the test this morning.. I’m so happy..
congrats!! 🙂
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hi.I have had irregular menses then in dec last year I had my period after missing it for two months.the period lasted fr almost a month till I went to see a doc in January this year and he said I had miscarried. now eva since they gave me pills to stop bleeding in January I haven’t had my period since end of January up to now.I have been havin sex w my husband almost everyday in march bt when I took a preg test in march itwas negative. now the problem Is sometimes my breasts are painful and I have back aches n light lower stomach cramps,I also get easily bored by my husband at tyms but im scared take a pt.can I be pregnant or is it normal to experience period pain and not have it?
Hi Marilyn,
Sorry to hear that. It’s normal for period to take 1-2 months in returning after miscarriage. 3 months is not very rare either, but it would be best if you can consult with your doctor.
You are not ovulating right now, so if you are having sex to conceive, it won’t be possible right now. Getting bored may be because of both the reasons- stress and the increased sex. I would suggest that you wait for some time, consult with your doctor and when your period return, then start trying again. The gap will also help in regaining your sex drive. All the best!
Hi I’m pretty irregular (sometimes my period comes around the 50 days or a little more in the cycle) and I had unprotected sex on March 23. My last period was on February 29 to March 4. And I’m sure I also had a yeast infection which by now is gone. However around the 30th up I had breast tenderness and on April 3rd I had an increase in sex drive in addition to the tenderness. But on April 4th the tenderness has decreased a lot. And I’m pretty sure in the morning my cervical fluid was creamy but during the afternoon I felt really dry. According to my period tracking app I’m not supposed to be on my fertile window until a couple of days. Could this be pregnancy or simply my body getting ready for a period?
Hi Kelly, based on your information, it should be your body getting ready for a period. The day you felt your cervical fluid, might be your ovulation day. Just before the ovulation, the fluid gets very creamy and egg white. Then after ovulation, you will feel dry. Tender breasts too are possible signs of both pregnancy and ovulation. And, for many women, ovulation increases the sex drive.
So for all those reasons, you were most likely ovulating that day.
can u please help me..i mess my period this march, i had sex with my boyfriend feb.17 but i have my period that time.can i get pregnant? scared:'( 🙁
Hi Anna, Was it unprotected sex? If yes, then there might be a chance of that. But don’t worry now. Wait until your next period. All the best!
I was expecting my period on the 27th of March and up to current date I haven’t seen it. I’ve been experiencing sore nipples and heavy breasts with period like cramps… I’ve written to you before but I’m so worried – any other suggestions??? Could I be pregnant?? I told my boyfriend and he suggested I go take a test…
If you had sex during the time you were ovulating then you’re at risk of becoming pregnant. You can take a pregnancy test but it must be taken at the appropriate time. Take the test at least one week (7 DAYS) after you’ve missed your period. You can take the test by April 8.
Thanks Steffy.
You can take a test now! You can buy many brands of pregnancy tests which detect the pregnancy hormone up to 4 days BEFORE your period is due. You are several days past your period due date so ALL tests now would pick up a pregnancy test. If you are concerned do a test today… Keep us updated with the results. Good luck x
I want to fall pregnant…I have been trying this..last month we had an unprotected sex and the day after I had my period…I did the pregnant test but tested negative…but my breasts are sore and nipples are itching….so stressed.
Wait until you miss a period before you consider taking a pregnancy test; take the test at least one week after you’ve missed it. When is your next period due?