Many women experience tender breasts at some point in their life. It can be caused by many reasons, the majority being of a hormonal nature. When this happens, the breasts can feel sore when you touch them or when you move around, and they feel heavier and/or fuller. Breast tenderness is one of the signs of pregnancy but can also be an indication that you are ovulating. Further complicating the matter, tender breasts can likewise be a symptom of PMS. Since pregnancy, ovulation and PMS all trigger the release of hormones into the body, all three conditions can affect your
Do Tender Breasts indicate Ovulation or Pregnancy?
My period was on 10th-13th of Feb,had unprotected sex on 14th and 15th..Haven’t seen my period for March but its suppose to come on 9th..Have been having constant Headaches and body pains for 2 weeks now. Is there any chance of being pregnant?
Hi Kiki, Constant headache and body pain may be for n number of reasons. Have you experiencing any other symptoms ? If not, wait till 9th March, in fact wait till 12th or 13th March and if you have not gotten your period till then, buy a pregnancy kit and take a test.
Hi ladies I have been trying to conceive from June 2013. I found out my tubes where blocked had a hsg one out the tubes was cleared I got pregnant found out and lost my pregnancy in one weekend. Now I am on 150mg of Clomid. My fingers are crossed my breast started hurting yesterday and I ovulated last night and been heading sex with my husband every other day now
Hi,I inoculated between the 9th and the 13th of February and had unprotected sex every other day during ovulation.I have never experienced breast pain leading up to my menstrual period but the past couple days my breasts have been a bit sore all over.I am also trying to get pregnant.any advice?
Honey girl, if you drink tea or coffee don’t use sugar put a spoon of honey in it, it works..
Hi there Autumn. There is always a chance of pregnancy when having unprotected sex. You should take a pregnancy test if you think you may be pregnant. Best of luck.
Hi so I’m just wondering, I started my period 0n the 3rd of february, I had unprotective sex on the 16th, the next day my breasts began feeling sore, and they still feel sore and slightly heavy, what are the chances that I’m pregnant? I’m not due for my period for another week and a half
I cannot be sure the exact chance, just track your cycle and see if it shows up on time. Having unprotected sex can risk the chance of pregnancy.
Had my period on 1 feb and ended 7 feb. Has sex on 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18th feb. Will l concieve? My average day is 27.5.
Hi Jackie, You were definitely very fertile on the days that you had sex, especially the 13-16. The probability is high, but only time will tell. Good Luck!
can you help me out a little I am stuck here , I am on my ovulation but not much cm and it comes and goes my cervix is high but now soft , my breasts been hurting since last week around d the sides more, I just don’t know if I have conceived. my temperature is normal for ovulation at 36.5 which is about 97-98 F but I still feel warmer than normally do. been ready tired for about 3 weeks and could just drop off anywhere you name lol , but now I am bit more energetic but still tired a little , just not really understanding what’s going on. I had the thick cm then it went to watery then drys up and does it again every other day xx looked but can’t really find a answer xxx
I had my last menstruation January 13,2016 until now I havent my period yet what is the possibility that I am pregnant? Thank you.
It would depend on your recent sexual activity. Other than that, there are many different reasons why a period would delay/skip. Check our FAQ for more information.
Thanks for the response this is Princes again,I’m totally confused regarding this,on which date should I be expecting my menses then please ? until now I have not been able to see my menses.
I got my menses last from Jan 16th until 18th,from 19th I have been having unprotected sex with my husband almost daily,since 28th i noticed that my breast is tender and the nipples are very painful,we bought the pregnancy test kit and did the test at home with the early morning urine,though the result is negative, I have never experienced the same changes in my breast like now before,can I be pregnant or not,just in case then why should the result be negative,someone please guide us.
I completely understand how confusing this must be for you. I suggest taking another pregnancy test. There could be many reasons of tender breasts, pregnancy or period symptoms could be results of this. Take another pregnancy test, and if you are still worried I would suggest calling a professional. It should ease your worry đŸ™‚
I started having tender breast although not sore five days after my menstruation. My circle is 28 days, my menses lasted for 3 days, meaning my fertility days will be 29th to 1st. What could be the problem, please?
One of my nipples sore I’m been having slight cramps in the low part of my stomach like I’m going to come on my cycle but haven’t. It started like a week after my cycle in Jan. & it’s still going on; my next cycle isn’t due until the 5th of Feb. Could I be pregnant? Plus I’m tired than normal.
You may be experiencing PMS. Wait to see if your February period will arrive and take a pregnancy test 7 days after that date if it doesn’t come.
I started menstruation on 15th December 2015 & finished on 19th December. I then had unprotected sex with my husband from 19th December 2015 to 2nd January 2016. I have just discovered I’m pregnant. When exactly did I conceive? It’s now confusion between me & my husband.
It’s possible that you conceived on December 29th.
I ovulated December 26-31 and it’s been 6 days past ovulation and my breast have been sore mostly on sides and idk if I’m seeing things but see veins on my right breast also I never ever get sore breast two weeks before my period which is unusual also been having more headaches than normal. Can someone please tell me what this can be I’m also TTC and had sex December 22,25,30
I Usually get sore breasts 14 days or 5 days before my period starts. I use it as an indication of PMS.
We had sex dec 4-11 but I got spot started dec 14 the suddenly my period came dec 19 it was lasted dec 24. My question why I experienced breast sore, headache, lil cramp and nausea during my period then 1 week after my period I got heavy breast sore/tenderness. What does it mean?
My period was dec 10-14. Had sex with my hubby when i was ovulating. My lower back hurts and i have a crampy feeling in my stomach and very sore breasts all over. They also feel heavy. Could i be pregnant?
Hi, yes its possible you are pregnant take a pregnancy test to be sure.
Hi, I had my last period on the 15/11/15, my cycle is 30 days, I had sex a day or 2 before ovulation, now I’m 2 days late on my period, my nipples are really sore and have been for about a week now, I’ve had a few headaches and back ache but no pains like my period is coming. Scared to do a test incase it comes back negative as we have been trying for a good few months now. Do you think I could be pregnant or is it just wishful thinking?
Your best bet. Let it go. I tried for 7 years and then I had a number of life changing events occur. I finally was “over it”. I have 3 children already and I just wanted our life back. Thats when I became pregnant. I had not been having intercourse and so the 1 time I did, it was enough. The out come wasnt the best. It was an unwanted pregnancy at that time, which made me feel horrible especially when it ended in a miscarriage. But now that things are better and I have reconsidered having a baby…. its not working out. All of these symptoms that are associated with pregnancy are symptoms I have had and have yet to become impregnated again. Focus on other things.