Most Common Signs of Menopause

Menopause marks the ending of a woman’s reproductive cycle, its beginning signified by shortened or reduced menstruation. When a woman stops menstruating, she is no longer able to get pregnant or bear children.

If you are at the menopausal age, which is 51 years old on average, your body will not produce enough hormones causing hormonal imbalance. This is characterized often by many signs and symptoms. So, what are the signs and symptoms of menopause?

This a common question that most women ask when they going up on age, especially after some of the ignored symptoms start to intensify. Some of the most common signs are highlighted below.

Hot flashes: Many women experience surging in body temperatures during menopause and this often lead to a lot of discomfort. Your body temperature can rise repeatedly from normal to very hot and then back to normal for a lengthy time.

Vaginal dryness: The vaginal lining will become dry at some point during menopause and the support inside the pelvic and womb declines. This loss of moisture inside the vagina will be caused by the decreased in estrogen production [1]. The dryness causes sex to become unbearable and painful for most women.

Weight gain: Many women have problems with weight gain during their menopausal age. The weight usually come at a faster rate and is much harder to lose. This problem occurs because the body is not able to burn unwanted calories at the required rate.

As the levels of female hormones drop in blood, the fat distribution of the body changes to male type i.e. fats from buttock and breast deposits to central abdomen, giving women a false perception of obesity, although the weight remains the same.

Infection and disease: The vaginal lining is meant to stay moist, but it will get dry during menopause and make you more vulnerable to infections such as yeast. The infections can lead to irritations or smelly discharge if not treated in time.

Lapse in memory: Menopause can cause you to appear forgetful. Most women tend to forget things quickly as the body is not producing enough of the hormones that can aid the brain to remember retained information.

Frequent urination: During menopause a hormonal imbalance usually causes the body’s organs and tissues in the reproductive system to perform their functions less efficiently. The urinary bladder is one of the affected organs. [2]

Menopause will cause the bladder of an older woman to weaken, thus resulting in her inability to hold back or control urine. If you find that you have this problem, you might have to practice how to suppress your desire to urinate.
In concluding, you should know that practicing yoga and exercising regularly before menopause will help you to avoid some of these symptoms. In fact, good eating habits, yoga and exercises will keep you from experiencing symptoms which demands pressing answers for questions such as what are the signs of menopause.
Image: Pixabay



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