Do you suspect you are pregnant? If so, a pregnancy test can give you the answer one way or another. For many women, the two week wait to know if they are pregnant just adds more anxiety to deciding the best time to take a pregnancy test. One of the most important things to know if you are confused about when you should take a home pregnancy test is that you are more likely to get a negative result if itโs done too early. How Does a Pregnancy Test Work? Before going further, it will be helpful for you to
When Should You Take a Home Pregnancy Test
I had my period on 23 Feb and I didn’t use any protection so now it’s the 21st. If I test on 22 Feb will I get a positive result?
I had my period on 23 Feb and I didn’t take any pill so now I’m scared of being pregnant. Can I test on the 22nd of March? Will it give the correct results or not?
The best time to test is at least one week after you missed your period. So check to see when your last period was due and take the test a week after that date.
Hi, I had a period on the 4th of February until the 6th. I was late by 13 days but then I got some bleeding for two days. I took a pregnancy test but came back negative, took another one 4 days later and it’s negative. Could I be pregnant?
My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on March 5th, it is the 18th now, I FEEL PREGNANT. I have taken several test and got negatives on them all, I’m 99% sure it’s too soon to be testing but I’m going crazy because I feel pregnant. I had spotting 5 days after we had sex and it has been 9 days of on and off spotting now, do I count this as my period (it was supposed to actually start the 13th but I started this weird spotting in the 10) HELP!?!?
Hi Kelsey. The only way to be sure is to take a pregnancy test. You did test a little early. You should talk to your doctor to get more clarification. Good luck.
Hello. My last period started on feb 11th-14th. I had sex on the 20th. The condom broke and he came inside of me. The next day I bought “Take One Action” pill. After that I was feeling sick. Ever since I took the pill I had light cramping. Around March 1st I saw light pink blood when I wiped. I thought my period was going to come early but that was it. Now its March 15th and I’m 5 days late now on my period.. I don’t feel cramps anymore… I’m always regular – 28 day cycle… I took a pregnancy test and it said negative. Can I be pregnant or did the pill completely throw off my cycle?
Hi Stephanie, the pills do cause the period to get late. Plus you already got a negative test. I think you should wait another 4-5 days.
I had my menstrual period on February 1st 2016 my period still not here and it’s March 13. What should I do my tubes are tied. Is there a chance of me being pregnant. My breasts are tender and I’m very fatigued and a experiencing little nausea.
Hi Jamie. It is not too early to test. Your tracking seems to be accurate according to the information you provided. If your test still comes back negative you should talk to your doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing.
I had sex 3 days before cycle.I should have had a cycle on 22 Feb but start spotting on 25 Feb; it lasted 3 days. When can I test?
You can get the most accurate result if you wait at least one week after missing your period. In addition, the result might be even more accurate if the test is done first in the morning as the urine is far more concentrated at this time.
Hi I had my period Feb 3rd-7th 2016. I had sex with my husband on a MX trip on Feb 10th. He pulls out before ejaculating- obviously there is still a chance I got pregnant. I got a period Oct 20th for a few days. Feb 28th I noticed fullness and the let down feeling in my breast like I had when breastfeeding my first child. I just noticed on of my breast are leaking what even seems like milk this morning. I took a test and it says I am pregnant. Do you think this is true? Also do you think I conceived in MX? Just wondering bc of that mosquito virus that has been noted there. None of us travelers believe we were bit. Thanks,
Hi Caitlin. Congratulations on your pregnancy. You should talk to your doctor to get an accurate date of conception and to follow up on the possibility of being infected with a virus. Best wishes.
Hi… got my period last 21jan-21jan. Had my fiance with me for 20 days & became intimate on his stay. Now I’m tracking my period & it says 3days delayed. I’ve irregular periods but lately I am experiencing nausea, bloated, craving more for chocolates, always hungry & worst felt tired all the time. I got tummy cramps so bad too & felt like to vomit the other day… could I be pregnant???? When is the best time to have a pregnancy test?
Hello. There is always of a chance pregnancy if you are having unprotected sex. You should test about a week after your missed period. Good luck.
I am tracking my periods and my tracker stated that i would not violate till Feb 26 from my period that started feb 3. I started having pregnancy symptoms feb 25 after sex on feb 20. Could my tracker be wrong on my ovulation? How accurate are the trackers? My symptoms are starting to get stronger, I don’t feel normal. My tests so far are neg, i just started week 4, is it still too early to test?
Hi i used a contraceptivepills last dec. Got my period dec 30,had sex last jan 14 and got my period on 21st ,and stop taking pills and never had sex again but never got my period this feb until now,am i possibly be pregnant
It looks like you had your period after having unprotected sex. There is always a chance of pregnancy after having unprotected sex. The chances are slim according to the information you provided. If you are concerned you should take a pregnancy test or talk with your doctor.
Hello Mary, the last day of my period was was on feb.25th, I had sex that same day as well as the next few up until today where he had came inside of me. Is this when I can conceive and if so by good chance or slim since I was just off of my period. Thank you
Hi Christina, in this case, there is always a chance of pregnancy. However, without knowing your usual number of days in the period cycle, it’s hard to estimate the next most fertile period. Considering an average of 28 days, your most fertile period will be in between 4th to 8th March. You can use the calculator on to determine the exact period. Best of luck. ๐
I had unprotected sex with my spouse on 2/15/16 to 2/21/16, he doesn’t pull out, my period is due 2/25/16, never came, Ben having mood swings, bloating, could I be pregnant and is it to early to test?
There is a chance, but it is small. If your period is due the 25th, you can take a test on the third (tomorrow).
My last period was around 5 of Jan 2016 give or a day either side (I can’t remember exact dae)
It’s now 28 February 2016 and sign of period.!
I did a hot last Thursday evening…that was negetive, today Sunday 28 February still no sign on period? Could I still be pregnant?
I highly doubt it, so don’t get too worried.
I had a menstruation last January 25,2016 and it ends on January 31. I use contracrptive pills Althea pills. I missed period on feb25 and I take pregnancy test 4times ang the result is negative.I am confused because because until now I have no period. I am breastfeeding and may baby is going 6months old and i dont want to get pregnant. i want to know early if im pregnant. tnk u. hope u will help me and this is my big problem. godbless.
Hey Zaide, there are so many reasons why a period could be delayed. Check our FAQ for more information.