Try our free online pregnancy test/quiz and find out what are your chances of being pregnant. Disclaimer: use at your own risk. this online tool is not 100% reliable and it cannot replace a home pregnancy test. Consult your doctor or OB/GYN if you suspect that you might be pregnant. Photo: Spread the loveFree Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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I had sex December 7 and was suppose to see my period December 19 but nothing yet am I pregnant
Hi there Joy! Please refer to this article. Regards
Same applies to me I had sex on the 5 of December 2016 and supposed to see my periods on the 19 December buy no ,what could be the matter?
Hi there! Please refer to this article for information. Regards
Hi..thanks for the responses and we have finally proved ourselves now
Hi,i saw my last period on 17th november and had unprotected sex on the 9th day of my circle.iv been feverish and vomitted yesterday ,its 18th decemver my period isnt out.could i be pregnant?
Hi there Patty! Please refer to this article for information.. Regards
So scared right now…I saw my period on the 1st if December 2016..had sex in the 4tg day if my period with condom though…Had unprotected sex on the 5th day because there wasn’t any blood…My Guy actually released in me…haven’t had sex since then…But my breasts are feeling heavy and full…
Can I be pregnant? I had my ovulation on the 13th and 14th(cervical mucus was sticky and stretchy)…But I’m scared cos my breasts are full and heavy! Am I Pregnant? Plsss reply asap
Hi there Cassie! You might be pregnant right now. Take a pregnancy test. Regards
I had an abortion October 26th I bled for 27 28 29 30 31 and we are already December and I still haven’t received it. Yet what could it be I move into a new place Christmas is around the corner I have 2 kids stressed out to the Max from moving what else could it be I don’t want no kids and I’ve been using condoms what can it be
Hi there! Please refer to this article for information. Regards
My period came on October 29 2016 had intercorse Nov 5,6,7,8 I was expecting my next period nov 26 2016 i bleed Dec 2 _dec 6 could I be pregnant?
Hi there! The bleeding you had might be the implantation bleeding and you might be pregnant right now. Take a pregnancy test. Regards
Hey.I had an unprotected sex with my boyfriend on the 8th of DEC,my menstruration cycle is 30 days.any chances of getting pregnant?
Hi there Dimpho! You have higher chances to get pregnant. Regards
Hi my name is simi. Me n my boyfriend had sex on 30.10.2016. From next day I was having fever for a week. I have consulted a dr he said it was due to viral. I have tested for 2 times but result r negative. I have not been in periods since more Then 2 months . Usually I dnt have a irregular periods. N before all this I have lose my weight almost 5 kg. So is there any chance that I m pregnant?
Hi there Simi! You might be pregnant right now. Visit a specialist and get yourself checked. Regards
Hi I’m Ren I just want to ask if it’s possible that I’m pregnant ?i’m having sex with my Boyfriend November 16-17 but we use withdrawal method and then I have a 3 days Menstruation nov 30 for 3 days but I felt like a pregnant woman. i felt a heartbeat in my left side of my belly button.i already take pregnancy test 3 times but it’s all negative.
Hi there Ren! You could have taken the test too early. Wait for one week after your missed period and then test. Tests taken this way are very much accurate. Best Regards
please help me,i saw my last period on 19th of November. i had unprotected sex on 10th of Dec. will i be pregnant?my next period should be on 28
Hi there Cynthia! You have higher chances to get pregnant. Best Regards
I had my period on nov 13 and had sex on dec 3 expecting that im on my safe days but until now i dont have my period. Im suffering abdominal cramps and back pain. Am i pregnant?
Hi there April! Please refer to this article for information. Regards
I had an intercourse on 17 December but i had my periods on 2 December but he didn’t ejaculate in me but i am vomiting due to bad food and change in place will i get pregnant?
Hi there Reecha! The pull-out method is not a method, you can still get pregnant. Males secrete sperm all throughout the sex act. Although, they cannot feel it but they do! Sperm is a microscopic so it can’t be seen. The majority of sperm are released during ejaculation but many are released prior and it only takes one! Regards
Hi my period was last nov 10 to 14 had unprotected sex Nov. 24, but Nov.25 and Nov.29 we do withdrawal. I’m worried i might get pregnant because im already 5 days delay. He is not my boyfriend. That’s why i cant be pregnant.
Hi there Junifer! Please refer to this article for information. Regards
Hello, I had my menstruation last Nov 9 up to 12, I had sex with my partner 13,20,23,26,27, dec 3,4,7,10,11 were TTC that’s why we had sex often hehe,,, I’m expecting my period Dec 9 but its Dec 15 already I still don’t have my menstruation I already take pregnancy test 10,14,15 but its all negativ 🙁 am I still pregnant even its my pt shows negative??? I also experiencing pregnancy symptoms its my first baby if I’m pregnant and I hope I’m really am pregnant I hope
Hi there Cris! You could have taken the test too early. Take a pregnancy test after one week of your missed periods. In this way you will get accurate results. Best Regards
Hi my last menstrual period is november 8-16 , 2016 and i had sex november 22, 2016.. withdrawal method, im already one week delayed.. Am i pregnant??
Hi there Charm! You might be pregnant right now. Take a pregnancy test to check whether you are or not. Best Regards
So my last period was Nov 9th – Nov 17th. Me & my bf split from the 14th-22nd. (Came home the 22nd). Well while we were split I slept with someone else. We used a condom & I know it didn’t break. Well when I came back home the 22nd me & my bf had sex (unprotected) & he didn’t pull out. & now I’m pregnant. Thoughts on who could be the father. I just know its my bf. I used 3 diff due date calculators & all of them told me conception date was the 23rd of Nov. Anyone has any input?
Hi Kelly, your may be correct, Worst case scenario to a DNA.
Hello I got my period on 12 November and end on 16 November. I’m expecting my next period would be on December 14 that is today . I Had an unprotected sex on November 21 . Am I got a chance of pregnant ?
Hi there Dymphna! You have higher chances to get pregnant. Take a pregnancy test after one week of your missed period. Best Regards