FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Ovulation, Abortion etc
Medically Reviewed by Dr Anique Ali
You have missed your period? Wondering if you’re pregnant or want to know when you ovulate? Here’s a list of our frequently asked questions – read it and learn more about your menstrual cycle, ovulation, pregnancy, abortion etc. Spread the love
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Ovulation, Abortion etc
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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I did a clinical abortion on 30 Oct. I started bleeding on 31st – 8th Nov. I had sex on Tues and the condom cuts which I took pills after 24hrs. Still to date I have not seen my period.
Don’t worry too much, in most instances, a menstrual cycle is expected within 4 to 8 weeks after an abortion. Taking the morning-after pills will also change your cycle delay your period.
My last period was November 3-7 2015. My ovulation period was the 8 to the 15. I had sex with my husband three times within this time frame with the last session being on the 14th. I was suppose to start my next period on November 27th to December 1st. Well no period as of yet. I have taken 4 pregnancy test, the last one taken on December 2nd. All of the test have been negative. I have never missed a period unless I was pregnant. I have been having slight nausea here and there, slight tingling in breast here and there, slight increase in urine output, little moody and tired. If I have been getting all of these symptoms and my test are coming back negative what is wrong?
You may be testing a bit too early. Give it a few more days then take the test again. Ensure that you take it first thing in the morning when the hCG levels are stronger.
Trying to get pregnant with baby number 4 was on depo shot 2013 – Feb 2014 I finally started my 1st period in February but they are irregular like every 2 months. When would I ovulate? Last period started Nov 22-26 2015. Thanks.
The irregularity of your period makes it challenging for you to track your ovulation days. Since your periods are irregular it’s best to track your ovulation using a fertility monitor. These can be sourced from http://amzn.to/1PE28tn
I had a clinical abortion on the 9th Nov. After the initial bleeding stopped, I had further heavy bleeding on the 19th which lasted up to the 22nd. I had un protected sex on 30th. Is there a chance to become pregnant? If so, what I have to prevent it?
Once you have unprotected sex you run the risk of being pregnant. If you do not wish to become pregnant take the Postinor 2 pill immediately after having sex – do not wait.
My last period was on Nov 3,2015. I just got another period which is today Nov 27,2015. My next period was supposed to be Dec 4,2015. Is there something wrong. Why am I having a period twice in November
hello. please read this post for some more information on this topic
Is it possible to get pregnant a day after ovulation?
Yes it is. An egg can survive for about 24 hours after it’s released from the ovary. If sperm are present in the fallopian tube at that time, one of them may fertilize the egg that is there and lead to a pregnancy.
My period Started November 4th and my last period started October 8th. Which means I have a 28-day cycle, I think I had sex on the 14th and the 15th of November. I think I ovulated on the 18th. Could I be pregnant?
You may not be pregnant since you were not fertile on those days.;
My last period was October/29 to November 4. So I want to know when can I get pregnant.
Hello. In order to determine when you can get pregnant, it is important that you indicate the number of days in your menstrual cycle. I’ll explain how to calculate this number. The menstrual cycle starts on day one of the bleeding to day one of the next. On average, the cycle lasts for 28 days, but it’s normal to have it longer or shorter. So if one period started on July 10 and the next one started on August 5, then you would have a 26 days cycle. If your periods are regular, then the two subsequent ones would come on August 31 and September 26. Read more here http://womanjunction.com/menstrual-cycle-calculating-manually/
Hi, Truth is its possible to get pregnant anytime of the month,but Your next most fertile period is November 10, 2015 to November 14, 2015.
My last period was on Oct.23-27 … After being on the mirena for 5 yrs. So I just started spotting today (11-16-2015). Which is early can you tell me why it came early? This never happened before and when is a good time for me to get pregnant?
Hi, Once your Mirena has been removed, your fertility will return to normal very quickly — perhaps as soon as your current cycle. There is very little reason to worry about the safety of becoming pregnant after Mirena removal assuming that you are healthy. Spotting is a side effect of removing mirena so your body will return to normal.
Well my spotting turned into a actual period. Which as I stated is early.
Please I am a bit confuse and I really need help. I am 34 yes old. My period was coming five days but for two yes now it has drop to 3 days. I am TTC after a miscarriage. My period was on 3rd to 5th nov. And length was 26. Please when is the best time to have sex. And does the ovoluation calculator work for those who hv five days period nd three days as well. Thanks. I am a girl in need of her own children.
I had my last period on the 16th of Oct but my calculations show that my next period should be on the 13th of Nov but now I saw it on the 12th am kind of confuse what is happening to me. Thanks
Last month i got my periods on 6 but i always get on 7 and i did not get yet this month.
Yes, it is possible. This would be seen as high-risk since the fibroid is likely to grow during the pregnancy.
I started my period on 3rd nov nd ended on the 5th nov. I had sex on the 6th &10th nov. Will it make me pregant cuz i am ttc after miscarriage six months ago.
Your chances of being pregnant would be low. Your chances of being pregnant depend on whether you were fertile on or around the date that you had sex. It is important to know the number of days in your menstrual cycle and whether you have regular or irregular periods. This information is needed to provide you with the most accurate response.
My last period is 28 September to 2 Oct. Until now I haven’t got period at so if I am pregnant how many weeks now?
You need to take a pregnancy test to confirm if you’re pregnant. In addition, the result might be even more accurate if the test is done first in the morning as the urine is far more concentrated at this time. The urine-based home pregnancy tests offer great accuracy. If you’re pregnant then you would be 6 weeks along.
Hi anyone can help me my last period is 2nd day of October and 11 of October. I made love with my hubby and it was a withdraw but until now my period haven’t come yet I wonder if I’m pregnant. I have a 35 days cycle.
The best way to determine if you’re pregnant is to take a pregnancy test by November 14. It could be that your period is delayed for other reasons. Read more information via this link http://womanjunction.com/8-mess-period/