100+ Japanese Names with Dark Meanings

Are you looking for 100+ Japanese names with dark meanings and connotations? The post gives you plenty of choices to consider for a nickname of a character in a game, play, pet, or child.

The names listed either mean dark or are closely related to it. For example, the meaning ranges from dark, black, darkness, or dark connotations like evil.

Top 100+ Japanese Names with Dark Meanings or Connotations

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings, and Start with the Letter A

Akuma: means demon, devil, or Satan

Akane: it means violence or madness

Aya: meaning regret and sorrow

Ayao: Ayao means sorrowful man

Akumu: it means nightmares

Ankoku: it means gloom or darkness

Ameya; means the midnight rain

Aku: meaning wickedness

Angu: dark

Anzen: unclear, gloomy, or black

Anzhong: Meaning in the darkness

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings and Begins with Letter B

If you are looking for a Japanese name that implies dark and starts with the letter B, here are a few suggestions:

Beni: in the Japanese language, Beni means red. However, it can also refer to violence.

Bousou: it means out of control, rampage, or violence

Baku: among the Japanese, Baku is a mythical beast known for eating nightmares. At the same time, it can also mean a dream devourer

Boutoku: Meaning a cursed soul or blasphemy.

Bushuugi: the name means sorrow, disaster, or death.

Japanese Names That Have Dark Meanings and Begin with Letter D

Daku: Daku means dark or cloudy.

Dan: although it means bullet, it can also imply aggression or violence

Daisuke: it has two meanings. Daisuke means great betrayal.

Dame: It means no good

Japanese Names that Have Dark Meanings and Begin with Letter H

Haruka: it has diverse meanings. Haruka means far away, loneliness, and isolation

Hisoka: it has diverse meanings. That is sly, deceitful, or secretive

Hakai: meaning destruction

Higa: meaning evil and untrue

Hougyo: Means demise

Hidoi: It’s a Japanese name that means horrible

Hitari: it means darkness

Heifuu: Japanese name meaning evil

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings Begin with the Letter I

Ikari: it stands for rage or anger

Itsuki: it means isolation or loneliness

Inu: meaning cruelty and fierceness

Isamu: a name that means brutality or violence

Itai: means painful

Inei: the name means shadow, dark, or gloom

Inkyo: it means shadow. Often used to refer to life’s dark side

The Japanese Names Beginning with the Letter J, and have Dark Meanings

Jashin: refers to an evil god

Jikan: means darkness. For example, the darkness of the night or the soul

Jigoku: It means hell

Jyuu: can mean brutality or beast

Jiko: meaning trouble

Japanese Names Beginning with the Letter K, and have Dark Meanings

Kurai: it means gloomy or dark

Kage: means shadow

Kuro: it means black

Kaijuu: meaning monster

Kiken: means danger

Kuragari: means darkness

Kurayami; Japanese word for darkness

Kurogane: means black metal

Japanese Names that Begin with the Letter M and have Dark Meanings

Makura: it means suffocation or death, especially by pillow

Mugen: means endless suffering

Mukuro: refers to a skeleton or corpse

Mune: meaning suffering or pain

Mei: it means black

Manote: meaning evil influence

Monsuta: it means monster

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings, and Begin with the Letter N

Neko: it means deceitfulness and treachery, especially of the cat

Nami: means waves or turbulence

Nikushimi: hatred

Negatibu means negative

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings, and Begin with the Letter O

Oni: demon or ogre

Ookami: ferocity or cruelty

Orochi: means great danger, destruction, or snake

Ou: tyrant

Onimaru: meaning ghost or devil

Oniki: ghost

Oniyama: devil

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings, and Begin with the Letter R

Riku: severity or harshness

Ryou: brutal and harsh

Ryougan: cruel or harsh eyes

Rakumei: meaning losing your life

Ryuu: dragon

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings or Connotations, and Begins with the Letter S

Satsu: means to kill or murder

Saki: short-lived, fleeting

Shou: extinguish, disappear, or destruction

Shiro: darkness, loneliness

Shoaku: all evils

Sunako: the dark side

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings or Connotations, and Begins with the Letter T

Tatsu: terror, destruction, or dragon

Tamashii: means restless soul, ghost, or spirit

Tama: vengeful ghost or spirit

Toga: meaning guilt

Tsukimono: demon or evil spirit

Takeru: wild and furious

Tatsuo: means female dragon

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings or Connotations, and Begins with the Letter U

Ura: it has several meanings such as reverse, black, secret, or hidden

Uragiri: means betrayal

Unmei: inevitable doom, fate, or end

Utsuro: insincerity or empty

Japanese Names with Dark Meanings or Connotations, and Begins with the Letter Y

Yami: unisex name that means darkness

Yaku: misfortune bad luck or evil

Yokoshima: wicked

Yuurei: means ghost

Yoru: means loneliness, night, or dark

Yasha: means night devil

Yamiyo: it means dark or night


As you have probably realized there are many Japanese names with dark meanings. Others have a close association with black darkness or evil spirits.

Some people find it thrilling to have a character in a game or pet assume such a name. Whatever your reason is, the post gives you over 100 names to consider.

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