Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
Try our free online pregnancy test/quiz and find out what are your chances of being pregnant. Disclaimer: use at your own risk. this online tool is not 100% reliable and it cannot replace a home pregnancy test. Consult your doctor or OB/GYN if you suspect that you might be pregnant. Photo: Spread the love
Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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Please I had sex with my boyfriend on the 24 of oct and he used the withdrawal method and I saw my period on 25 the next day (5days) my normal flow but its been delayed in this nov 2016.. What could it be?
Hi there Bridget! By delayed you mean that you got your periods but it was late or you didn’t get your periods?
am gifty i had my menses on the third on november and had sex on 11 november, will i get pregnant
Hi there Gifty! You have higher chances to get pregnant. Regards
Hi I have my period 10/18/2016 and it wisely take 4 days to get done. After I had it I sleep with my husband like the 10/24/2016 and I haven’t see my period yet till now 11/30/2016 could I be pregnant?? Because I don’t feel sick but I get headache sometimes and go pill every two hours. My stomach hurt sometimes not all ways.
Hi there Rej! You might be pregnant now. Did you test? You should take a pregnancy test. Regards
Hi, I had my last menstration on first week of november i had sex on November 15, 2016 and I expect my menstration First week of december, but i always pee and i feel sometimes dizziness is there posibility that im pregnant??
Hi there Jasmine! You should wait for your periods to come. It is too early to tell whether you are pregnant or not. Regards
Hi there my last period was in October and my periods are usually regularly I havent used contraception since October but still no period me and my partner have sex often I took a pregnancy test about a month ago but it came up negative I have stretch marks on the bottom of my back and always feeling sick my boobs have getting bigger and my belly is bloated could I be pregnant even though the test was negative
Hi there Nic! You might be pregnant now and you could have taken the test too early. You should test again. Regards
I had my last period on November 6, 2016 and started cramping November 24 on Thanksgiving. Im still cramping but i havent noticed any other possible pregnancy symptoms other than a headache. Usually both are alil stronger at night time it seems like. Could I be pregnant? Help!:)
Hi there Priscilla! The symptoms you are experiencing might be your PMS. Regards
hi, my name is Divine.I I’ve been taking contraceptive since July but stopped taking it in October 15th,my last period was on November 1st through 4th, had unprotected sex with my boyfriend 4 days after. would I be pregnant?
Hi there! You will get your periods within one week. Regards
Hello there, I did my period on the 2 of October but I had unprotected sex during that month, I couldn’t see my November period till now is there any chance that am pregnant
Hi there Dami! Please refer to this article. Regards
it’s Sara usually have periods on 22nd but now got it on 26th and my cycle is 27 days could I b pregnant
If you got your periods then you are not pregnant. Regards
Hi my name is cherrish I had sex with my boyfriend Nov 12 and I haven’t got my period yet and now it’s the Nov 26 I been kind of sick can you help me
Hi there Cherrish! You might be pregnant now. Did you test? If not then you should take a pregnancy test. Regards
Hi there Cherrish! You might be pregnant now. Did you test? If not then you should take a pregnancy test. Regards
Na. Cheerish When do it usual come on?..
Hello. My last period started Oct 25, 2016. I usually have 25-day cycle and I am almost never late. So far, my period hasn’t showed yet this month. My boyfriend and I have had sex multiple times within the past month, possibly during my ovulation days. I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet, I plan to when my period becomes 10 days late. Is there a chance that I am pregnant?
Hi there Tiya! If you had sex during your ovulation days then you have higher chances to get pregnant. Regards
I had sex unprotected 4 days after my I pregnant?
Hi there Tyiesha! You have low chances to get pregnant. Regards
hi I had my period on 23rd October and yesterday I had a protected sex with my boy friend but am still scared that I might me pregnant is it possible,?
Hi there Blink! If you had sex during your ovulation days then you might get pregnant soon. Regards
Trying to get pregnant , my last period was on the 8th Nov which lasted 5days my ovulation was from 15th to 22nd. 22nd I started vomiting late in the night and I tested in the morning negative what could be the reason.
Hi there Fams! You should visit a doctor to know the reason behind pregnancy. Regards
Hi, according to the calculator there may be a chance of pregnancy but I am still unsure… I have had unprotected sex on the 1st of Nov ( fertile between the 6th to the 10th with ovulation on the 8th) , following that my partner and I had sex again on the 6th and 7th this time on both occasions he used a condom to start where he ejaculated the first time, wiped , we had another round ( sorry tmi I do apologise ) without a condom till he was ready to cum when he put the condom on….a few days later I developed nausea, headaches ( quite severe) and very tired. Also hungry and have cold like symptoms and acid reflux., last night shooting pain through right boob, slightly sore breasts today, heavy feeling in low abdomen .. Af due Wednesday….should I expect pregnancy news? Quite confused
Hi there! You might be pregnant now. Did you test? If not then you should take a test after one week of your missed period to get accurate results. Regards
I had sex on 16 oct two days after my period and i still hadn’t got my periods…am i pregnant?
Hi there Valcy! You might be pregnant now. You should take a pregnancy test. Regards