Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
Try our free online pregnancy test/quiz and find out what are your chances of being pregnant. Disclaimer: use at your own risk. this online tool is not 100% reliable and it cannot replace a home pregnancy test. Consult your doctor or OB/GYN if you suspect that you might be pregnant. Photo: Spread the love
Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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it is possible to had sex in your ovulation day and not get pregnant
Hi there Khomotso! Yes, it is possible. Regards
The last day of my period was on the 30th of sep,my cycle is usually 30 days,but i havnt had my period october..and now its day 33,am i pregnant?
Hi there! You might be pregnant now. You should take pregnancy test now. Regards
Hi I have been feeling very tired woke up nauseous I had sex on 10/10 but I had my period on the 23 Is there any way I could be pregnant?
Hi there! If you had sex during your ovulation period then you have higher chances to get pregnant. Regards
The last day of my period was the 26th september and I have had nothing since. I took I HPT on the 28th oct and it was negative. Me and my hubby have been using withdrawal method. Could I still be pregnant?
Hi there! The condition you are experiencing is not normal. You should visit a doctor now and get yourself checked. Regards
I had sex on 12th of Oct n had unprotected sex on 21,22,23 of Oct,
I started having cramps on 1st October could be menses
Hi there Regy! Yes, it might be your PMS. Regards
I havent had intercourse since aug and i got my period aug 30th then sept 29th or 30th now its nov1 and still nothing… Should i be worried ?
Hi there! You might be pregnant now. Did you test? If you didn’t, then you should take a pregnancy test. Regards
Hi. I’m not sure if I am or not. I supposed to be on my periods on 27 or 28 october -now its 1st or november I don’t see nothing. Under my belly I feel like I’m goner have periods but nothing yet. N I got back pain. So I want to ask how many days I m late. And why thank you
Hi there Thandeka! You can calculate your menstrual cycle, next period date and ovulation days here.. Regards
My last period was sept 13th I haven’t gotten it yet I did 2 test from Walmart the cheap ones they came out negative should I wait or take another one
Hi there! Home Pregnancy Tests are not very accurate. You should visit a doctor now and get yourself checked. Regards
I had my menses on the 18th of Sept then end in the 24th so i sleep wth my bf unprotected on the 29th of Sept and i don’t see my menses even now but i tested twice and its neg so am confused .
Hi Nancy, You took the test too early. You should test after the 14th day of your missed period. In this way you will get accurate results. Regards0
My period came on October 5th and I had inter course the same time it came on. Do you think I’m pregnant. Today is the 30th and nothing yet.
Hi Shannon. You might be pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test. Regards
Hello,.. I usually I have my period of 2 to 3 days of length.. My last period was on 24th September. I had intercourse on 6th day of my period.. Now it is already 5 days passe…My period cycle is 33 to 34 days usually.. Last two to three days I have feel menstruation like cramps in my lower belly.. I have mood swing, smell sensitive and fatigue everytime.. Plz help m I pregnent…???
Hi there! You should take a pregnancy test to confirm whether you are pregnant or not. Regards
I had sex in august but i had my period in august and in september but i missed one in october does it mean in pregnant
Hi there! Yes, you might be pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test. Regards
I got my period on the 27th of September and it is already October 27th . I am late?/
Hi there Emely! Yes, you are late and you might be pregnant now. You should a pregnancy test. Regards
I had unprotected sex with my ex on the 17 March 2016 and went to my period the same month , I go to my periods for 4 days so I guess my last period date was 30 or 31 March so on the 1 and 2 April had sex with my bf without protection and I didn’t get my periods on april now, my Dr said I was 20 weeks on the 17 August 2016 and I took the ultra scan on the 25 August 2016 and it said I’m 22weeks ,now I’m confused I don’t know who is the baby daddy and when did I conceive and which is the correct date.
I had unprotected sex 7 days before my period. My cycle is around 23 days. I’m two days late and I’ve been having some period cramps but no period in sight. Is there a chance that I’m pregnant?
Hi Stella! Calculate your ovulation days here. If you had sex on those days then you might be pregnant now. Regards
I haven’t had my period since September 22 & I had sex on the 6 of october still haven’t heard from my period. I been sleeping lately & Lower stomach pains as if my period was here I spotted the day my period was suppose to start I been cramping ever since. Am I pregnant
Hi Kiara! You might not be pregnant now because you are still spotting. This is your period now. Regards
I’m not spotting any more I’ve just been having cramps every now & then & lower back pains at night what should I do?
Kiara, you should consult a specialist for this. Regards