Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
Try our free online pregnancy test/quiz and find out what are your chances of being pregnant. Disclaimer: use at your own risk. this online tool is not 100% reliable and it cannot replace a home pregnancy test. Consult your doctor or OB/GYN if you suspect that you might be pregnant. Photo: Spread the love
Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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Hello. I had my first day of period on Sept. 24 then i had intercourse on Oct. 1 and Oct. 19, am i highly to be impregnated ?
Hi Paula! Yes, you have higher chances to get pregnant because you had sex on your ovulation days. Regards
Hi, I had unprotected sex on the 21st of this month, haven’t been on the pill for a few years now. It was just a one off. My last period started on October the 2nd & lasted till around the 8th which means my cycle is around 34 days which means I think I will have been ovulating around the time of intercouse. I’m not due on my cycle for another 9-10 days the first week in November so I’m still a little early to do a pregnancy test but what would be my chances
Hi there Aisha! You have higher chances to get pregnant. Best of luck!
I did take three all was negative even last week i take one
I had my periods on 15th September to the 19th September had sex on the 23rd i was fertilize but he redraw out it is the 24th of October my periods has not come yet could I be Pregnant…?
Hi there Cynthia! There are chances for you to get pregnant. Regards
I had my last period on 24th September and had intercourse on 6th day ie 29th morning of my period.. I had lower belly cramps on 14,15,16th of October and m I pregnant,???
Hi Shree, you have very low chances to get pregnant. Regards
I had my menses on the 14th of October and finished on the 19th of October and had sex on the 23rd of October, could I be pregnant
Hi Kay, if you had sex during your ovulation days then you might get pregnant. You can calculate your ovulation days here. Regards
I have been having scanty periods what may be the cause
Hi Chimanma, Thanks for your comment!
There are many causes of scanty periods including hormonal imbalance, nutrient deficiency, stress, Asherman’s syndrome etc. You should visit a doctor and get yourself checked. Regards
My last period was July 23rd …. its Oct.24th now i took pregnancy tests in august and got negatives …. still no period as of October . I don’t have insurance so can’t go to the doctors to get blood work done
Hi Amber, the condition you are experiencing is not normal. You have to visit a doctor and get yourself checked. Regards
I late on my period last date was Aug 28 I’m 7 days but I’m irregular some time 30 days I did three tests all was negative but I have cramps often I feel tired often can someone says what might be the problem
Hi Sam, if you having pregnancy symptoms, then you might be pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test on the 14th day of your missed period. In this way, you will get accurate results. Regards
I had my period on 15 September few days before had sex but condom for stuck in me could I be pregant
Hi Serana, there are no probabilities to get pregnant but there may be a possibility. Regards
I had unprotected sex and !m a couple days late but i do have cramps and lower back pain i have gotten headaches the past two days . I am not to sure if i am pregnant any suggestions.
Hi there, you should take a test on the 14th day of your missed period. Regards
Pains by my rib cage,both sides,light cramps,spasms as if im pregnant,and i did an abortion and after 15 days i had unprotected sex,using the withdrawal method,could i be pregnant?
Hi Luyanda, you might be pregnant. Take a test to check whether you are pregnant or not. Regards
Hello Had my period 30th September and it end
4th. Had an unprotected Sex with my guy 6,78,9,11 and 14 again.
Please I want to know if I am pregnant.could I be pregnant
Thank you. Am I pregnant..
Hi Chantell, Thanks for your comment!
Calculate your ovulation days here. If you had sex on those days, then you have higher chances to get pregnant. Regards
My last menstrual cycle was September 13-(first day) and ends september 18.
October 19 i had like cramps,then October 20 i had white means. Until now i didn’t experienced my menstrual. Am i pregnant?
Hi there, if you are getting pregnancy like symptoms, then you should take a test on the 14th day (or after) of your missed period. By doing this, you will always get accurate results. Kindest Regards 🙂
My last period was August 27th. was supposed to start September 25th But never did I have been to my doctor and took several home test and they all come back the same negative besides one of them it was faint but I’m confused as to what’s going on
Hi Elizabeth, it is hard to tell that whether the condition you are experiencing is because of pregnancy or any other internal cause. I recommend you to visit a specialist and get yourself checked thoroughly. My best regards are with you 🙂
hi….. I had sex on the 13 of Oct and used pill on 15 oct(not up to 48 hours), am to start my period on the 17oct but is yet to come……am I pregnant?
Hi there, if you took the antibiotics after having intercourse then you have lower chances to get pregnant. Regards