Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
Try our free online pregnancy test/quiz and find out what are your chances of being pregnant. Disclaimer: use at your own risk. this online tool is not 100% reliable and it cannot replace a home pregnancy test. Consult your doctor or OB/GYN if you suspect that you might be pregnant. Photo: Spread the love
Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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My last period start September 7/8, and this week October 7/8 should be the due. In September 30 to October 7, we have many times of unprotected sex without pills and protection. Could I be pregnant?? One more thing that makes it even more confusing is that, I took Prednisone for 4 days due to my allergy. Everything mixed up together at the same time. Very anxious now. Don’t wanna be pregnant.
Hi Stephanie, thanks for your comment!
The information you gave shows that you had sex after your ovulation days which means you have very low chances to get pregnant. Moreover, Prednisone has nothing to with your pregnancy so don’t worry about that. Regards
I had my last period sept 9th and my hubby had a vasectomy 10 yrs ago. Could I still be pregnant even though he was given the all clear years ago. My period is 5 days late.
Hi, Your period might be delayed because of hormonal changes, stress, diet and exercise etc. You should get your period soon. Regards
hi, my name is blessing. i saw my period on September 13 and i had unprotected sex on September 25, 27, 28 and 29. am usually a 31 day cycle, please what are my chances of becoming pregnant.
Hi Blessing, Thanks for your comment!
Calculate your ovulation days here. If you had sex during your ovulation days then you have higher chances to get pregnant. Regards
My period arrived on 18th September but few days before when having sex condom got stuck in my vagina . Could I be pregnant?
Hi my period was the 16 of September it lasted 4 days like always I’m regular but on the 28 I started bleeding again but not a regular period more like very light bleeding just when I wiped and I’m not sure if it was implanting bleeding after 3 days stopped and now I feel really bloated and took a pregnancy test and the line kind of showed but at this point I’m not sure please help I also had a little nose bleeding, darker areolas, headaches, abdominal pain, diarrea and constipation and fatigue a lot of that frequent urination thank you hope to hear from you soon
Hi Rebeca, Thanks for your comment!
The bleeding you had might be the implantation bleeding and the symptoms and the pregnancy test shows that you are pregnant now. However, you took the test early. Regards
Hi My last period was on 30th of Last month September and I
End it on 4th of this very month October. i had sex with my guy
6th to 9th this very week . I starts having this cramp pains over
my abdominal Since Friday till now and I feel bitter
in my mouth as well. please am I pregnant….
Hi Chantell, Thanks for your comment!
Calculate your ovulation days here. If you had sex during those days then might be pregnant now. Regards
My period is nine days late could i be pregnant my intercourse was the withdrawal method?
Hi, You should get your period soon. Regards
Hi my name is michelle,i had sex the 9th of september and had sex around the 20 something. My fiance just knows my pregnancy, Been sleeping a lot,feels a little nausea, headache for a day. Back has been hurting, diarrhea for a day,urinating a lot than usually. And cramping. I took a test 2 weeks after and it was negative. Period can on few days later. This mean that i am not pregnant?
Hi Michelle, Calculate your ovulation days here.If you had sex on those days then you might be pregnant now. But if you are having the symptoms and the test is negative then you should visit a doctor to confirm whether you are pregnant or not. Regards
I have been having breast pain and I sleep a lot could it be am pregnant….because my last period was on the 16th of september.
Hi Kate, you should take a pregnancy test. Regards
l had my period on 20th September and end on 24th September. I had unprotected sex on 8th October. Am I pregnant.
Hi Faustina Bredu, Thanks for your comment!
The information you gave shows that you had sex during your ovulation days which means you might be pregnant now. You should take a pregnancy test soon. Regards
Super bloated, sad, negative test (first response, mid day) was supposed to have my menstural cycle on the first and it’s now the 7th. Lower back pain. Not cramps just feels like someone is pressing on my uterus or something. Doesn’t feel like normal pms symptoms. Haven’t bled at all. Very confused. We had sex a lot like every day. Didn’t use protection but he didn’t ejaculate in me.
Hi Riley, You might be pregnant now but you should take a pregnancy test after 14 days of your conception. Regards
I had sex after my period on Oct it was unprotected. then i am suppose to see my period September 2nd but it didn’t come but on the 5th September it show up. am I pregnant?
Hi Bridget. Thanks for your comment !
If you had sex during your ovulation days then you might be pregnant now. You should take a pregnancy test for confirmation. Regards
Hi, i finished my period on 21 september, then i had sex on 29 september,, at 30 i took the p2 pills and after there i had sex on 1, 2, 3 and 4 october but on 4october i took the pills again, now am asking will i become pregnant? please help because am realy worried
Hi Mary Jane, If you took the pills, then you have low chances to get pregnant. Regards
my period was on 29 September and had unprotected sex on 1st of October now have menstrual pains could I b pregnant?
Hi Topsy, Thanks for your comment!
If you had sex during your ovulation days then you might be pregnant now. You should take a pregnancy test for confirmation. Regards
My period was on the 16 of September and i had unprotected sex on the 27 September and on the 1 of October what are my chances of getting pregnant my cycle is 28 days
Hi Chinenye Calistar, Thanks for you comment!
Calculate your fertile days here and if you had sex on those days there is a high chances of pregnancy. Regards
Hi my name is Emily my last period was August 18th-22nd my fertile days was the 28-3 and my ovulation day was September 1 I had sex with one guy August 24th and the other guy August 30th and I’m due may 25th who could be the father the first man or the second one