Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
Try our free online pregnancy test/quiz and find out what are your chances of being pregnant. Disclaimer: use at your own risk. this online tool is not 100% reliable and it cannot replace a home pregnancy test. Consult your doctor or OB/GYN if you suspect that you might be pregnant. Photo: Spread the love
Free Online Pregnancy Test Quiz
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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I had my period on 28 July up to date it has not come yet I am a week late I am 41 years my name is Nancy
Well, Nancy, if you had sex during your ovulation period, then you might get pregnant now. You should take a pregnancy test now. However, if you don’t know about your ovulation period, you can calculate it here.
I had my last period 1st week of Aug.
Had unprotected intercourse twice in 1 week with full vaginal ejaculation 2weeks after my last period finished up.
I’m not sure what my ovulation cycle should be like but my period has been pretty normal.
I had some blood spotting but it was for 1day only, after 1st unprotected session.
What are the chances of me being pregnant?
Hi Nikita, the information you provided indicates that you had intercourse during your ovulation period, which means you have high chances of getting pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test when the symptoms of pregnancy show up. Regards
Hi Sue.
Previously you advised to take a HPT as my chances of getting pregnant were really high.
I have done so and as predicted the test was positive.
Made an appointment with my ob/gyn and today (2days before my appointment) my period started.
Is this normal?
Hi Nikita, the bleeding you are having might be the implantation bleeding. This type of bleeding during pregnancy usually occurs 6 to 12 days after conception. Implantation bleeding occurs when the fertilized egg travels down the Fallopian tube and into the uterus, where it implants into the uterine lining which may damage some of the mother’s blood vessels in the uterus, resulting in a small amount of blood leaking from the cervix and down the vagina.
Hi, I had my 1st period last July 25, 2016 and today is the 28 of August 2016 . I took a home test 27 of August 2016 in the morning (1st urine) but it was negative. Could I be pregnant.
Hi Hanna, your period should come in few days. Regards
Hi, my last period was on june 29, my period was suppose to come on August 7 . Could i be pregnant
Hi Maria, if you had sex during your ovulation period, then you might get pregnant. Regards
Hello I had my last period 21st July and its 28 and I still didn’t get my periods
Hi Kajal, your menstrual cycle might be disturbed due to some causes like taking antibiotics, hormonal problems, etc. You should get your periods in few days. If not, then you should take a pregnancy test. Regards
Hi I had unprotected sex on august 12, 2016 and my period came on august 20, 2016 and went off august 24, 2016 but I ate a lil bit of cereal today and it came up could i be pregnant?
Hi Julia, the information you provided shows that you had sex during your ovulation days, which means you might get pregnant now. You should take a pregnancy test for further confirmation. Regards
Hi I’m 43 and had a period 26th July I’m 4days late I’m very irritable not feeling well feel like I’m always full of wee and constipated not at all like me but tested today and came straight up but didn’t stay ?
Hi, i had my last periods on 17/7/2016 and had sex on 17/08/2016 though my periods had delayed because i always have regular period and until now my periods have not come. could i be pregnant?
Hi Maureen, you should take a pregnancy test for confirmation. Regards
last month period was 31ST July-3rd it has started on 25th Aug again. I’m I OK?
Hi Joan, yes it is completely okay. Your cycle might be slightly changed due to some causes. Regards
I spotted on the 28th of July but my period usually comes on the 1st. Its the 25th and I still don’t have it. I took a home test but it was negative. Could I be pregnant?
Hi Jessica, you should visit a doctor to show to the right treatment for your problem. Regards
Hi I had my period on the 24 of July and today is the 24 of August which my period normally goes for 7 days and don’t normally goes to the next month last monday my boyfriend comes inside me a little bit can I b pregnant?
Hi Toya, yes you can be pregnant if you had sex during your ovulation days. Regards
Hi so I last had my period on July 2nd 2016, it is now August 23rd 2016 and I haven’t had my period. I had sex on July 13-14th using the withdrawal method. I think I ovulated around that week, I’m not sure. But i am 3 weeks 1 day late on my period. I haven’t taken a pregnancy test yet and I’m unsure if it’s just late because of stress. Which I haven’t been so I don’t know. I have cramps, my breast are a bit sensitive, I am very sensitive and cry over little things, craving sweets and food, constipation, bloated, gassy and peeing frequently. I feel like I’ve gained a lot too. It’s just always been hard for me to get pregnant… What should I do? How far along would I be if I am pregnant?
I Mianna, you should take a pregnancy test for confirmation. Regards
Hi ,My periods normally comes around the 19th of every month and it last for 4 days and I we got intimated at 25 july ,almost every 4 days per week so since then my periods didn’t come .so I wanna know if is it too early to take a pregnancy test.
Hi Charmaine, you should take a pregnancy test now. Regards
Hi.. I had my period last June 26. 2016. Month I have early menstruation July 20. 2016. . This month (August ) still I don’t have my period. . I had sex August 13. 2016… and my partner used condom… can I ask why still I don’t have my menstruation.. is it because I have early period last July. .. please help me. . Thanks. ..
Hi Khaye your period might be delayed due to some causes. You should get your periods soon. Regards
OK thank you so much. ..
I finish my last period from July 19 -22,had an unprotected sex on July 25 ,and on August 14, 19 which am suppose to see my period. but up till today have not see it.does it mean am pregnant.
Hi, if you had sex during your ovulation days then you might get pregnant. You should take a pregnancy test for confirmation. Regards
i have unprotected sex last july 17 and having my menstruation last july 21.. and now i get my menstruation again this august 18 but it only last 1 day.? what happen? i took a pregnancy test last august 15 but it is negative.