FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Ovulation, Abortion etc
Medically Reviewed by Dr Anique Ali
You have missed your period? Wondering if you’re pregnant or want to know when you ovulate? Here’s a list of our frequently asked questions – read it and learn more about your menstrual cycle, ovulation, pregnancy, abortion etc. Spread the love
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Ovulation, Abortion etc
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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Hi I was supposed to have my period on the 16 Feb according to the my cycle because my last lmp was 19 jan but I test on 16 Feb it was negative and I haven’t see my period till now. am I pregnant or not
I took the abortion pill on the 19th of Jan and started bleeding soon afterwards, on the 4th of Feb I had sex with my bf and did a natural contraceptive and 12days later and about 4wks 2days after taking the pill I started bleeding again and I guess it was the return of my period but I have so many pregnancy symptoms and I’m so scared, i’m still bleeding though, could I be pregnant again? Please reply cause I’m told if I take a preg test it may still b +ve because of the pregnancy hormones still in my body…
Hi Elizabeth, Have you seen a doctor? If you are bleeding you are probably not pregnant. You are also correct about the pregnancy hormones. They can remain in your body for 4-6 weeks. If you are nervous you should see your doctor to ease your concern. Wish you all the best.
I’m very grateful for your reply, I took the hcg test and it came back -ve, I didn’t see a doctor cos it’s quite difficult here in nigeria, I feel quite ok and the bleeding has stopped to just stains. I learnt my lesson though it was my first time and I’m a lot wiser now… thanks again
I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend January 31st … I was supposed to get my period on the 9th .. Today is the 18the of February and I still haven’t gotten my period .. I took an early pregancy test but it came out negative ? Should I wait a week more ?
I would suggest definately waiting a week more, and retesting. If your period still doesn’t show up, I would consult a professional.
Hey so I had unprotected sex on the day that I was ovulating. Is there a big possibility that I am pregnant? I know that the pull out method isn’t the most effective and I didn’t miss my period this month but is there still a possibility?
Yes there is a possibility, especially since you were ovulating.
I had an abortion last January 19,2016 and the bleeding almost one week and lil spotting….but today Feb.17,2016 I checked my pregnancy test but still negative…is this possible?pls help me…tnx
I do not think it is possible, so I would ask your doctor about the bleeding. Good luck!
Hello! I had an abortion on 3rd dec and it lasted for two weeks. I had my next period frm Jan 11- Jan 17. We had sex on Feb 8th (used withdrawal method), just 3 days before the expected date of periods. I am taking Acelofenac 100 mg and Baclodol forte for recent sholder pain. I haven’t seen my periods yet. Should i wait for few more days to see if i am pregnant?
Yes absolutely. Wait a few more days, and if it still does not show up take a pregnancy test. Good luck!
I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on January 31 night an in the morning my period started. it was normal as usual (5days) but I didn’t take any prevention or pills….please is there any sign that I can get pregnant?
There is a chance you could get pregnant, since you had unprotected sex. I would wait and see if you get your next period this month; and if not, take a pregnancy test a week after your scheduled cycle 🙂 Good luck!
Had an abortion on 13th December and i bleeded for 2 weeks. had my 1st period 13th January which lasted for 10 days, now its February and i am expecting it, bt HV not seen it
Hey! There are hundreds of reasons on why your period could be delayed/skipped, please check our FAQ page for some reasons explained in detail 🙂 If you are worried, i would contact your doctor.
i want to know after a abortion again i missed my period date so is it normal or there is any complication
Hello! Please check our FAQ page, there are plenty of answers regarding your situation!
hello..!!! i take a medicine for abortion when i’m pregnent for 15 days…after taking this medicine period starts its remains for 5 days with a heavy flow… but after 28 days i had not period.. what should i do?
Confirm with your doctor that everything is okay. He is the only one who knows your body as well as you do.
hi..I had a surgical abortion on 21st dec 2015..I bled on 25th December 2015 but its 11th feb and my periods hav noy yet appeared though I test negative pregnancy. .what could be wrong? ?
Hello! Check our FAQ page, we have loads of questions commonly asked regarding abortions.
I had an abnormal flow of just two days 06.02.2016-07.02.2016and I had unprotected sex on the second day my period stopped 10.02.2016. Am I safe or should I worry.
You can get pregnant at any time, although it seems extremely unlikely. Wait it out, and see if you get your period.
I had an abortion (the pill) back in early Dec of 2015, and got what i called and think my “normal period” Jan 8-12th, Its now Feb 9th and I have taken 4 pregancy test and they have all came back negative, Im not sure if my period is still acting up because my body is still recovering from the pill? ive had protective sex with my boyfriend twice between my periods, and we always check the condom after sex for any rips or tears. Just wondering if it could still be my body getting back to normal.
Hello Jasmin! That is exactly what it is, your body recuperating from the abortion. Give it one more month, and if the problem persists then ask your doctor.
If I had my period on December 31 2015 through january 5, 2016. I was supposed to get my period on January 29 but I didn’t get it. I had sex on January 12 and on the 15 day of my ovulation. I also had sex on the day I was supposed to get my period. I took a pregnancy test because I was already 4 days late and it shows I am pregnant. My question is when could’ve I conceived?
Hello,It’s hard to tell exactly when you conceived as no one knows the exact time,but a doctor can give you a estimated time based on how far along you are.
Hello I had sex the same day I see my period and my period came out. What are my chances
My wife got normal abortion (without taking any medicine) on 16.01.2016. What is the chance to get her 1st period after abortion. Since 31st Dec 15 we were having sex. Is there any problem? kindly confirm.
What is the safe period after she got period?
After an abortion it will take a while for her periods to return to normal. Expect to be irregular for a few periods while your body heals and it should return to the way they were before.