FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Ovulation, Abortion etc
Medically Reviewed by Dr Anique Ali
You have missed your period? Wondering if you’re pregnant or want to know when you ovulate? Here’s a list of our frequently asked questions – read it and learn more about your menstrual cycle, ovulation, pregnancy, abortion etc. Spread the love
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, Ovulation, Abortion etc
About The Author
Ana Jasko
Ana is a stay at home mom who likes to research and write about health related topics. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies
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Hi, I have been trying to get pregnant, my last period was 20 October. When should I ovulate?
Your chances of being pregnant depend on whether you were fertile on or around the date that you had sex. It is important to know the number of days in your menstrual cycle and whether you have regular or irregular periods. This information is needed to provide you with the most accurate response.
My menstrual circle started 5th of November and ended 7th of November, please when is my next menstrual flow and how many days does my circle take? Because I know is not the normal 28 days interval anymore. Can I put it to be 23 or 25 days interval between a cycle?
Hi, In order to calculate it properly i will need your menstrual date for october.
Rachael OCTOBER 28, 2015
My period came 19-10 instead of 17-10 and last for four days. I have breast tender during my period and after, my nipples increased, my breast fuller n bigger sometimes I feel cramp. I usually feel cold in the morning, My urge for sex increased. This has never happened to me before. I did home pregnancy test very early in the morning yesterday but negative.. What the cause of this symptoms. plz I need help, your reply is important.
I had an abortion on September 3 I stopped bleeding September 12 so when was my ovulation dates and I have yet to see my period but I still have another week before I worry and 5 pregnancy tests came back negative
Don’t worry about your delayed period – in most instances, a menstrual cycle is expected within 4 to 8 weeks after an abortion.
Hi..my periods are irregular,but last month i took Ova mit tablets for 5 days starting from 22 September until 26 during my menstruation days. the pills were recommended by my gyn. i had intercourse on the 9,10 and 11 October,my boyfriend came inside me.my worry is i didn’t have my periods on the 22 October as i expected.could i be pregnant? pls help,i want a baby now
Hi,It is possible for you to be pregnant,take a home pregnancy test to find out.
Hi, I just had an abortion on Sept 14. I bled for 2 weeks then after 4 weeks, Oct 13 I bled again for 1 week now. I’ve done pregnancy test this morning but still showing positive. Am I still pregnant? I’m not feeling pregnant anymore. What will I do? Pls answer. Thanks.
Generally, hCG levels will remain high up to 6 weeks after abortion or miscarriage. It may be necessary to re-test a few times after an abortion to ensure that the pregnancy has been terminated.
thanks for the reply. but can i take birth control pills now so that my menstrual cycle will be back to normal or come early?
I had an abortion on the 23 of Sept and it lasted for one week, after the one week I had unprotected sex after 3 days but this month I haven’t seen my menses but I’m feeling slight pain on my breast but no nipple pain. Pls am I pregnant again or what is wrong with me.
A normal period can begin at least three to six weeks after an abortion. Try to practice safe sex if you do not wish to become pregnant again. It is possible to become pregnant during your first menstrual cycle after your miscarriage or abortion.
I had sex today and he came twice inside me… today was the last day of my period… Could I get pregnant? What are the chances?
Yes, it is possible but it depends on the number of days in your cycle. Women with a short cycle, for example 21 days, who bleed for 7 days, can ovulate right after their period.
Hi. I saw my period on the tenth of Oct and last month it also came on the tenth. Please I want to know if is going to be on the tenth of every month.
Hello. It is possible for your period to come regularly on the tenth of every month. Note however that this can change without notice. Your cycle can change as a result of stress, fatigue, travel or any other hormonal issues that may affect your body.
plz i need your help and answers to my question,on August my cycle was 30 days ,(starting from 13th august to 11th sept).Then on September my cycle was 29 days (starting from 12th sept to 10th october). So am asking this october what will my cycle be and when am i likely to ovulate? I have been trying to conceive.
Hi lauretta, Sounds like you have irregular periods,you still ovulate during irregular periods i suggest you have sexual intercourse anytime after your period.
i had an intercourse on 29th september with my husband, when should i do the pregnancy test? pls guide.. thanks..
You can get the most accurate result if you wait at least one week after missing your period. In addition, the result might be even more accurate if the test is done first in the morning as the urine is far more concentrated at this time. The urine-based home pregnancy tests offer great accuracy.
Trying to conceive very hard . I have 3 I want 1 more . started spotting today so I don’t know what to do been trying for awhile with my 3 that I have it wasn’t planned and it just happened this last one im trying for just won’t happen don’t know what to do
Ensure that you are tracking your fertile days – you should have sex just before and during these fertile days. Maybe you’re trying too hard to conceive, relax a bit and let it happen a naturally as possible.
If I have a 34 day cycle at what point do I ovulate? And I got your last message. Its now oct3 still delayed I guess or should I take a test.
I had an abortion on 1st September then I saw my period on the 4th to 7th of September but I had unprotected sex on the 7th. Can I be pregnant?
It is very important that you give yourself time to heal both emotionally and physically before you try to conceive again. Physical recovery after a miscarriage is quick and takes only a few days. After about a month, your body will be working normally and your menstrual cycles will begin once again. Yes, it is possible to become pregnant during your first menstrual cycle after your miscarriage or abortion.
Hi there , my last menstrual cycle was the 04 September 2015, had sex everyday on the week 15th to the 18th , trying to conceive, I have had all the pregnancy signs but have not yet tested . Could I possibly be pregnant?
Hello. Section 6 (Pregnancy Tests) under our FAQ link http://womanjunction.com/faq-frequently-asked-questions-menstrual-cycle-pregnancy-ovulation-abortion/ will provide you with vital information.
I had unprotected sex during the first stage of menstrual cycle…so is there possibility of getting pregnant? And after, how many days do I need to have pregnancy test in this case??
Hello. It depends on the length of your cycle and whether you were fertile then. Section 6 (Pregnancy Tests) under our FAQ link http://womanjunction.com/faq-frequently-asked-questions-menstrual-cycle-pregnancy-ovulation-abortion/ will guide you on the best time to take a pregnancy test.